Scrub and Restart

Today I’ve finally managed to save this blog. With some help from the internet and Ankan it’s probably possible to use it again and we’ll see if I can start with my blogging again. I feel like I need an outlet to structure my thoughts and if needed give the possibility for others to read and comment if they like. But just as before I do this for my own sake and maybe I’ll start using this in role-playing again, but very unlikely but who knows…

I’ve chosen a new theme that is the closest resembling the old K2 theme that I really liked on the old page. I’ll experiment with plugins and stuff over time and I will also try to clean up the blog somewhat. Erase stuff that I don’t need to have left and make sure to remove broken links.

Well for now this is it. Just wanted to post something and start the new era for the blog.1

Good night!

  1. Hopefully, you never know 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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