My Blogging for 2021

Today I’ve finished the second anime of the ones I wanted to get back to review and just try to reflect and see how much my tastes and thoughts have changed in the past fifteen years. I even took notes on the second series just to remember my thoughts sometimes so I could include it after watching it all to the end.

I don’t have the energy though to get into the second review today. Too much other stuff in my mind and need a moment to reflect on this. I basically saw 26 episodes in less than 72 hours and watching/reading any form of media under these intense circumstances always lead to an emotional overflow that might affect the outcome of a review for me.

But I felt like writing something, and I like that my instinct to blog again in the evening while my brain is winding down is returning!

So I wanted just to brush lightly over my plans for my blog, to do that I want to go back a bit.

My blog stopped working like 2-3 years ago, or maybe longer, when they changed the PHP version on the servers it was hosted on. I never had the energy or interest to revive it and when I tried I just saw a mountain of work so I refrained from it feeling that my need to reflect outward were still tied to the negative emotions of a previous relationship that is also the cause to why I stopped in the first place. But last summer (2020) I got so much thoughts in my head and taking my super long walks (about 20-30 km) in the middle of the night resolved my issues too slowly. Not to mention it exhausted me.

So I tried to fix the blog. And lo and behold, I fixed it! I had to abandon my favorite theme (K2) and had to spend like 4-5 h in finding a theme that would make me feel comfortable and relaxed with the blog. And then I tried to muster to write again. The same day I fixed it something emotionally horrible happened and I lost all will to do anything else for a while. I tried again a month later but it didn’t take. Too much was going on and it got stuck there in the back of my mind. I have a half-finished review about the Netflix series Dark, but lost most of my thoughts and will to write it down so it’s still just a draft today.

Anyhow then just about a month or so ago I tried to watch some new anime and it was so horrible, every single episode I tried to get into was soooo bad. And just a day or something after when I talked to people everyone LIKED these horrible anime (might be over exaggerating but still). And I started to believe maybe I don’t like anime anymore? Maybe it was just a “phase” and it’s over now. I gone through it and on to the next thing (Japan freak). I couldn’t accept this since I still feel that the fundamental things for me about anime is still true.

So I made a personal commitment. I were to get back into my anime storage, and list all the anime I loved back when I was younger (Anime released before 2005) and see if these anime series still were good or if I had changed. Here is that list, and this list is ranked from what i liked WORST to what I liked the best.

  1. Karas
  2. Berserk
  3. Hellsing (Started today)
  4. S-cry-ed
  5. Monster
  6. My-Hime (FINISHED)
  7. dot hack Sign
  8. Gundam Wing
  9. Serial Experiments Lain
  10. Now and then here and there
  11. BECK
  12. Neon Genesis Evangelion
  13. Rozen Maiden
  14. Noir
  15. Juuni Kokki
  16. Scrapped Princess
  17. Cowboy Bebop
  18. 3X3 Eyes
  19. Wolf’s Rain
  20. Witch Hunter Robin

So most likely most of my posts this year will revolve around the anime above. Together I think they have about 540 episodes á 20 minutes so say circa 180 hours of anime. It is quite a lot. And so far I’ve done about 10h of this. Sooo, let’s see when I’m done with it all. Not to mention that I might also watch adjoining series and movies I haven’t watched to some of these. Like Cowboy Bebop I’ve never seen the movies, and to Rozen Maiden I kind of like all of them (Rozen Maiden, Rozen Maiden:Overture and Rozen Maiden: Träumend). And when it comes to Neon Genesis Evangelion I might also add the movies and the new movies. Time will tell.

Other possible things I might want to get into is Attack on Titan. This IS planned to start a complete rewatch as soon as the Final Season is finished. With that overwith I will focus on watching it all from beginning to end and read all the manga as well to compare it. I will do first the Anime then the Manga.

Outside of Anime I’ve finally gotten over a big hurdle with my game. So I might go back to writing rules updates and discussions about it here. Not to mention I might if these urges reoccur write short stories that comes to mind.

One thing I know though is that I won’t force myself to write. That will probably kill my will to do this again. I remember that it all started with me just wanting to write in the evenings and then it became every evening, and very seldom did it feel like I “MUST” write tonight. Sometimes when I wrote more than one post a day, I split them up over other empty days, but I never forced myself. It was a pleasure and I hope it will return to be that again.

Well, well, lost my steam now since I started watching a live stream on YouTube, but now I think I’ll jump back into Hellsing, before ending this week.

Good night everyone!

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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