Tagged: mood

Midnight Ramble

Midnight Ramble

Just sitting down, after a decent day ventilating. Things are going in the right direction I think. I have, like it or not, gotten indebted due to some mishaps during my absence and I’ve...



Today I planned to do a lot of stuff… Well, I’m unable to do this due to a headache as well as other aches. If possible, I will write something later tonight or in...

Kraftigt omotiverad

Kraftigt omotiverad

På senare tid har jag varit kraftigt omotiverad till att skriva och få saker gjort på bloggen eller ens datorn då jag varit så trött, stressad och haft mycket att göra och sedan försökt...

A Foul Mood

A Foul Mood

It seems like I’ve been put into a foul mood after the weekend.



Det verkar som att, min dator, på något underligt vis har kraschat. Det verkar inte vara någonting allvarligt, än så länge utan det ter sig som om det är Windows som fått något krux...

The Power of Breakfast

The Power of Breakfast

I say it once again, as I’ve said it so many times before and will say so many more times; breakfast is really, really powerful stuff. It really makes a huge difference on the...

Social Overload

Social Overload

Yesterday, or today depending on how you look at it, I got tired of all creatures called humans. Or at least all I doesn’t like, which is kind of all people I know with...

Ramble XII

Ramble XII

And so it seems we’re here again. Things have started to settle down and I think I’ll soon be back into my old spirits. I’ve felt stressed and kind of out of character or...

Forum Again

Forum Again

Well, as you might have seen I’ve planned a forum this Saturday. I hope that everyone can, will and have the energy to attend this time. My plan was to present some changes and...

Emotional Truth

Emotional Truth

Well, what can I say? Some things just make me emotional, like movies that are really beautiful and whose message is really touching that makes me think of some certain things. Or rather makes...

Second Session

Second Session

Well, we had our second session today one could say. When me and my sister were talking on the island, we decided to postpone our trip to our grandmother to a time when she...