Tagged: trip

Kusmark – Uppdatering

Kusmark – Uppdatering

Ja, så som ni nu vet så blev det lite förändringar i planerna. Och bara för att göra det enkelt av vad det vi nu har planerat och för att uppdatera diskussionen om några...

Kusmark Igen

Kusmark Igen

Well, nu är det bestämt. Kusmark är satt som destination och vi åker nästa vecka på tisdag. Bara för att besvara PBs fråga offentligt så kan jag redan nu redogöra att jag inte väljer...

Tid att välja något…

Tid att välja något…

[poll id=”12″] Ja, vi bör välja nu om vi ska göra någon utflykt i år eller inte och i sådana fall vad vi ska göra plus vilka som ämnar delta. Det är ju inget...

The Rush of Energy

The Rush of Energy

Today I decided that my body had been settled long enough to try an energy drink to see what happens. The result, so far, is pleasing and I had almost forgotten the rush of...

Meeting One

Meeting One

Getting here was the most awful thing with this meeting. Getting up in the morning isn’t that hard but the trip, which in the end was decided to be a bus, which was very...



Tomorrow I’ll leave for Gällivare, I’ve decided to take bus since I don’t want to get up at 05:00 just to get on a train which is about 10 SEK cheaper.

Ramble XX

Ramble XX

*Sighs deeply* Finally, things are settling down now, that’s good. It’s a pity though that my TV was postponed but I guess that’s life. It’s not like we need a rule forum anyway I...

Song of the Week #27

Song of the Week #27

Linkin Park – Shadow of the Day I close both locks below the window. I close both blinds and turn away. Sometimes solutions aren’t so simple. Sometimes goodbye’s the only way. And the sun...

Here we go again…

Here we go again…

Well my friends, once again we are here, where we started… or at least very close to it. This time though we are actually finishing up some other details for the real start. We...

Second Session

Second Session

Well, we had our second session today one could say. When me and my sister were talking on the island, we decided to postpone our trip to our grandmother to a time when she...

A trip to the Archipelago

A trip to the Archipelago

Well, as most of you know by now, I went to the archipelago with my family during the 1st to the 2nd. We did this for several reasons actually. One of the main reasons...