Tagged: thoughts

You know what they say…

You know what they say…

…that a good deed is always rewarded by another good deed. Well, I don’t believe in that stuff. Generosity and kindness are useless unless it’s selfish. You can’t give something to someone and expect...

Ramble XLI

Ramble XLI

The last few days I haven’t been writing much on the blog at all, even though I’m several days behind schedule. Well, mainly I’ve been too tired to write anything, but mostly it’s been...

Thinking About Kittens

Thinking About Kittens

Since I was in Stockholm I’ve been thinking about maybe getting a kitten or two. They don’t cost that much and on the contrary to dogs they can manage themselves and they are cheap...

EVE – A Tight Spot

EVE – A Tight Spot

That is the least I can say about my situation right now. The corp I’m in are at war against four other corps (this morning it was only three but when I logged on...

Ramble XL

Ramble XL

Well, I haven’t written any post for a while and I have my reasons. I actually didn’t think that I would have time to write anything today but due to a drop in my...

Ramble XXXIX

Ramble XXXIX

I must say that to me, this day have seemed to be an efficient one. I’ve gotten a lot done, and even managed to have two sessions and make a new evil time line...

One step closer…

One step closer…

My other thoughts in RPG concerns weapons. I want the weapons to have not too different damages, but mostly different appliances such as weapon types have different negative and positive effects. Most of the...



Since I got home from Piteå I’ve been thinking about this and that when it comes to role-playing and I have some thoughts I will share with the rest of you. I’ve been drinking...

Campaigns in Progress

Campaigns in Progress

Since The Travels in Iijavin were cancelled I’ve been thinking on and off on a lot of campaigns I want to try and I think that I’ll play a short campaign soon. Something like...



One day without role-playing. I survived. Hehe, not that I really was without role-playing. I’ve been working a little in my Blue Book where I write thoughts concerning the AFC-group. I’ve started to write...

The Second Session

The Second Session

Was a lot better than the first I think. At least I feel like we are finally moving forward again and people are getting more into their characters. Stuff is in motion and people...

Så var vi igång igen…

Så var vi igång igen…

Ytterligare ett inlägg på svenska dock, men när jag ändå skriver två inlägg i rad så varför inte? Är väl lika bra att skriva bägge på svenska som dagens tema eller något, inte för...

Rabbel XXXVI

Rabbel XXXVI

Vad sägs om lite rabbel på svenska för omväxlings skull? Det underlättar skrivandet rätt så mycket samt även gör det lättare att förstå vad jag menar, skulle jag tro. Ibland kan onödiga missförstånd komma...

What more is…

What more is…

Takfirerna håller till överallt i öknen, men de farligaste, mest seriösa och mest eftertraktade och hatade Takfirerna håller till i ’The Rim’ som även är känt som ’ The Grey Sands’. Detta är ett...

You should know…

You should know…

…att Takfirer är en väldigt lustig och svår skara att jaga men ändå så är din karaktär mästare på detta. Som tidigare sagt så om du inte kommer ihåg allting så får du ändra...

Evening Ramble XXXV

Evening Ramble XXXV

I just got the urge to write a short post, after eating my second dinner and watching anime. I must say that I feel quite stimulated since I got home. Hopefully it will continue...

Daily Report – Friday 11/7 – 09

Daily Report – Friday 11/7 – 09

Since I started this yesterday why not continue? Today, or yesterday, I met up with SVEROK Stockholm and my own SVEROK ÖN in the city and to spend the last three days with them...

Daily Report – Thursday 10/7 – 09

Daily Report – Thursday 10/7 – 09

I just realized that I haven’t used the title series ’Daily Report’ for quite a while. But since there actually isn’t always anything substantial to write on a blog while I’m not home or...

Ramble XXXIV

Ramble XXXIV

I must say that this trip was a better thought than I initially thought. In the beginning I was a little sceptic how things would turn out being away for so long, but it...