Tagged: thoughts

Bråkiga Kattungar

Bråkiga Kattungar

Ja, idag har de verkligen varit bråkiga. Kan dock ha att göra med att de fått vara ensamma i nästan åtta timmar i streck då jag varit och spelat rollspel och ätit middag hos...

Crystal in Action

Crystal in Action

Well, I must say that the start of Crystal did not impress me, not at all. Even though it did work, barely.

I’m Tired

I’m Tired

Well, this week have been, go, go, go. So I’ve become tired due to the lack of sleep and regularity I haven’t had this week.

Ramble XLV

Ramble XLV

At first when I began this post I wrote a short story but after about half a page I decided that it wasn’t good enough so I scrapped it. It’s really is hard to...

Jump, Push, Start

Jump, Push, Start

Yes, indeed. This slow as hell speed we’ve been going at for the past few sessions are annoying me. I mean, I’ve written about 12 pages to the setting you have to play in,...

Kattrabbel I

Kattrabbel I

Well, då jag ändå ligger ett par dagar efter så tänkte jag att det går ju att skriva någon rabbelpost och just nu så är det ju mycket med katterna ändå så jag dedikerar...

Förståelse och Inlevelse

Förståelse och Inlevelse

Jag vet inte egentligen vad ni förväntar er eller hur höga era krav är på saker och ting i rollspel, men om ni inte vill eller kan uppnå en djupare förståelse för eran karaktärs...

A Review of the Gathering Storm

A Review of the Gathering Storm

After almost five years of waiting the twelfth book finally arrived even though it wasn’t written by Jordan himself which is a shame. It would most likely have been different if it had been...

What Has to Be

What Has to Be

So now the session is over and everyone with the obvious exception of Violet is in the right position. Well, PB works so what more can be expected. Well actually I can skip him...

One Week with Avatar Junior

One Week with Avatar Junior

It’s been one week since I got Avatar Junior. Even though it’s only a week, I’m already really attached to him. It’s hard to believe it’s only been one week. We’ve been through so...



Haha, kan man tänka sig att förbrukningen av toapapper hos andra aldrig upphör att förvåna mig. Tänka sig att det som för mig skulle ha räckt mer än väl för en dag tar slut...

A Sudden End

A Sudden End

Well, now we’re playing again and it seems like it got a really sudden ending unfortunately, and Ankan got the worst part of it.

Ramble XLIII

Ramble XLIII

Well, well… what have here? An empty day without any posts on it. What should we do about that? Maybe write something or maybe just ramble some random shit or something.

Sandwich, Tea and a Couch

Sandwich, Tea and a Couch

To take a sandwich, or four in this case, brew a can of tea and then just sit back in the couch and watch movies and just relaxing is something that I’ve not been...

Ramble XLII

Ramble XLII

Yeah, I’ve been slacking again with writing on the blog, hit me… if you dare. Well, I’ve had so much to do lately that I’ve kind of neglected writing on the blog but well,...

A Successful Cluedo

A Successful Cluedo

For the first time since I’ve rebuilt and officially done this Cluedo-scenario I’ve finally been able to play through a whole and complete session of Cluedo with a good result.

The Power of Breakfast

The Power of Breakfast

I say it once again, as I’ve said it so many times before and will say so many more times; breakfast is really, really powerful stuff. It really makes a huge difference on the...

The best thing with fever is…

The best thing with fever is…

…that when you sleep you don’t dream. And even if you dream it’s mostly bizarre fragments of something barely comprehendible and you almost forget it if you don’t try to hold on for it...

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed?

That I’m finally have caught up on the blog. I’ve filled the vacant days from the Kusmark trip now with posts and hopefully you’ll find most of them interesting. It’s been hard to think...