Tagged: system

Event Kalendern

Event Kalendern

Alltså, den förra Event Kalendern jag har haft under några dagar var mer än urusel måste jag säga. Visst dess funktioner såg hyfsat bra ut och den erbjöd iCal, vilket enbart en av de...

Fokusering hos Shikárerna

Fokusering hos Shikárerna

Kom in på det där i slutet av det förra inlägget och tänkte att jag kan väl se vad jag kan knåpa ihop om detta så får jag ytterligare en dag fylld men information...

Elementarism hos Shikárerna

Elementarism hos Shikárerna

Jag har suttit och funderat fram och tillbaka under hela dagen om jag ska eller inte ska skriva denna post. Nackdelarna med att skriva en post som detta är att folk tar för mycket...

One step closer…

One step closer…

My other thoughts in RPG concerns weapons. I want the weapons to have not too different damages, but mostly different appliances such as weapon types have different negative and positive effects. Most of the...

Why Christmas Sucks

Why Christmas Sucks

I’m doing the last bit of the transfers for the server now and I’m a little bored. To begin with my apartment is quite messy and I don’t have anything else to do other...

A Quick Notice

A Quick Notice

I just wanted to write a quick notice without elaborating too much.

Computer System Upgrade III

Computer System Upgrade III

Well, there is a saying; No Pain – No Gain, which unfortunately seems to be all too true.

Computer System Upgrade II

Computer System Upgrade II

Will happen tomorrow (Wednesday). I will therefore not be avaiable during this time most likely and hopefully the server will be up and running pretty soon too. Well, just to let everyone know.

Rule Forum

Rule Forum

This is a post for or about my role-playing game Nianze. If you are a part of any of my RPG-groups I suggest to you to read this when this is for you. If...

The System

The System

I’ve now begun to look at the system and the rules once again. The game must have a rule structure even though most will be determined and controlled by the Game Master. This of...