Tagged: SVEROK
Om Riksmötet
Tänkte bara meddela att jag kommer ha internet under riksmötet, inte för att det spelar så stor roll. Om jag känner mig pepp nog kommer jag eventuellt att skriva några inlägg kanske någon short...
Sandwich, Tea and a Couch
To take a sandwich, or four in this case, brew a can of tea and then just sit back in the couch and watch movies and just relaxing is something that I’ve not been...
Kulturnatten Inställd
Fick just ett samtal från Lloyd (vice Ordförande) som meddelade att 3 av 4 av styrelsen i Umeå är sjuka i influensa. Den resterande 1 av 4 Arbetar idag och skulle då inte kunna...
Då jag inte känner att skriva något riktigt inlägg idag så kan jag lika gärna skriva denna förfrågan eller vad man nu ska kalla det. Dock så har jag väldigt lite information så det...
Evening Ramble XXXV
I just got the urge to write a short post, after eating my second dinner and watching anime. I must say that I feel quite stimulated since I got home. Hopefully it will continue...
Insane in the Membrane!
As PB says, or at least used to say every now and then not too long ago, but even expressions like that gradually goes away with time I guess. The title of today’s post...
Daily Report – Friday 11/7 – 09
Since I started this yesterday why not continue? Today, or yesterday, I met up with SVEROK Stockholm and my own SVEROK ÖN in the city and to spend the last three days with them...
Events of the Summer
Right now I know I have the following events planned for this summer, there might be more added later, and some stuff isn’t finalized yet so well, this is what I know I’ll do...
Jag orkar inte skriva på engelska just nu, samt att jag skriver sällan inlägg på svenska nuförtiden. Och variation förnöjer ju ibland, eller hur? Slaget har varit högst underhållande även om det betytt förbannat...
The Rush of Energy
Today I decided that my body had been settled long enough to try an energy drink to see what happens. The result, so far, is pleasing and I had almost forgotten the rush of...
Back Home
I must say that it was really tempting to stay the whole week in Umeå but for some reason people called me a lot and a lot needs to be done here in Luleå.
Meeting Two
Well, my body was exhausted from all the travelling back and forth so when I arrived at Umeå around 21:00 I just conversed a little with the parents and friends of the family in...
Tomorrow I’ll leave for Gällivare, I’ve decided to take bus since I don’t want to get up at 05:00 just to get on a train which is about 10 SEK cheaper.
Spring Schedule
It seems like there will be a lot going on for me this spring and summer, but one thing at a time. I don’t know how busy I’ll be during the summer but we’ll...
My New Assignment
… is to be accountant for SVEROK Upper Northland’s federal association board. This will mean not only that I have a major role in a meaningful board, but also that I’m going to have...
SVEROK Övre Norrlands Årsmöte
Jag fick just, som postman för WoN kallelse till SVEROK ÖNs Årsmöte för 2009 samt extra årsmöte för 2008 vilket kommer hållas Lördag till Söndag den 14-15 Mars i Umeå. Vår förening har rätt...
The Confederation Meeting
I am not sure if there will be a post of day two, but I know that I will write about yesterday anyway. Everyone is on lunch now, I just came back here early,...
Daily Report – Monday 15/9 – 08
The last two days I’ve written two short stories, the first one was only written by a sudden whim I got, though I had long planned to reveal this fact later. I even think...
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