Tagged: story

A Dark Life – 1×02 – Know Your Place

A Dark Life – 1×02 – Know Your Place

Sinder was mixing his blood when he heard a careful knock on the door. He stirred the blood one last time then turned around to greet the young master. In through the door walked...

A Dark Life – 1×01 – The Awakening

A Dark Life – 1×01 – The Awakening

Sinder was sitting in his usual chair, writing in his usual book when he felt the warning from the incoming. He politely answered with the precise amount of respect necessary for the visitor’s grade...

Siramada Serpothir – Den Sista Serpothiren

Siramada Serpothir – Den Sista Serpothiren

En stor orm låg och sov i hörnet utav rummet när de anlände. Dess smaragdgröna hud glimmade mystiskt i det svaga skenet och det verkade nästan som om skalen absorberade ljuset. Ormen rörde sakta...

Felix Mine – En Halv-Halvgud

Felix Mine – En Halv-Halvgud

Plötsligt kände man en hög spänning i rummet, något närmade sig, en stark entitet av något slag, någonting kraftigt men ändå annorlunda. Så samlade sig energin i rummet och började böja verkligheten efter sin...

Demion Optimus – Kejsarens Son

Demion Optimus – Kejsarens Son

In i rummet klev en högrest ung man med solbränd hy och glödande eldfärgade ögon. Hans scharlakans röda långa hår föll fritt från hans hjässa och ned över hans uniformsbeklädda axlar. Mannens solbrända hy...

Swell of Energy

Swell of Energy

Well I don’t know why, and I don’t know for how long but I will at least try to take advantage of this. It has been a while since I got a swell of...

Once upon a time…

Once upon a time…

Well, a while ago I said that I would write some short stories, but hadn’t really decided upon any other than The Death Bringers, well, this is the other one I’ve decided to do....

The Death Bringers – Part I

The Death Bringers – Part I

So let’s set the stage. Jayde is currently residing in Kurdis, an urban municipality in Midheim, together with some others that share the same fate as her. It’s in the middle of the spring...

ElSe – 1×04 – Southwards (End)

ElSe – 1×04 – Southwards (End)

Due to PB rushing off to work I had no real chance to finish of the last session appropriately. I then decided to try to write off the end here, which will mean that...

Short Story – The Gaia Blossom

Short Story – The Gaia Blossom

Yes, those who were at the session Fate experienced the first really Nianzeish event ever I think. The blossom of the gigantic Tree of Life, Gaia. That is something that I made up when...

Mistborn Again

Mistborn Again

Yes, now I’ve started reading it again. Due to me being tired yesterday I watched anime instead of reading anything. Then I thought a little about how to proceed with the group from here....

Duck Tales+WiSe=ElSe

Duck Tales+WiSe=ElSe

This is only a information post, but today I seemed to have posted quite many posts anyway so none can complain that I’m filling out vacant space, because I could have spread these posts...

Short Stories

Short Stories

I should really start to write some stories that can be read as a feuilleton so people actually could read and understand everything, even though they were completely alien to my world. I’ve also...

Short Story – A Letter of Gossip

Short Story – A Letter of Gossip

Well, here we have a little different kind of short story. The lack of a post yesterday was due to the Convention. I must say that it went pretty well even though Discussions with...

Short Story – Breaking the Law

Short Story – Breaking the Law

This is another short story. It was a while since I wrote one but here you have one again. It’s quite interesting I think and it symbolises a great event that takes place about...

Short Story – A World in Turmoil

Short Story – A World in Turmoil

Here is actually a set of four short stories all connected to each others. This is also, in some way connected to some of the plots I’m planning to integrate our new star crossed...

A Possible Short Story 4

A Possible Short Story 4

I’m not sure if I’m really up to write this anymore, the scene has somewhat been dulled in my mind but hopefully I can still do this. This is not a short story that...

Daily Report – Monday 15/9 – 08

Daily Report – Monday 15/9 – 08

The last two days I’ve written two short stories, the first one was only written by a sudden whim I got, though I had long planned to reveal this fact later. I even think...

Short Story – Pushing the Limit

Short Story – Pushing the Limit

This post was unfortunately erased but I still have it in a separate word document. If you want to read it you should countact me.