Tagged: rules

Rule Forum Follow-Up

Rule Forum Follow-Up

This is a post about role-playing and it affects the players of mine. If you aren’t interested in this kind of shit you probably don have anything interesting to read here. If you are...

Development and Losses

Development and Losses

Things are slowly going forward in many areas. I’m getting money and things are becoming more and more stable thanks to both that and some breakfast. With energy life becomes so much brighter and...

Rule Forum

Rule Forum

This is a post for or about my role-playing game Nianze. If you are a part of any of my RPG-groups I suggest to you to read this when this is for you. If...

Notice about Druids

Notice about Druids

Nobody plays Druids at the moment, the last few days when I’ve worked a little on the rules and changed a little bit here and there I noticed a thing that have always annoyed...

The System

The System

I’ve now begun to look at the system and the rules once again. The game must have a rule structure even though most will be determined and controlled by the Game Master. This of...



Well, jag har nu förändrat en massa småförmågor. Jag hade en röstning för någon vecka sedan där jag frågade vad folk ansåg om dessa. Jag var den enda som tyckte det var på tok...