Tagged: Role-Playing Games



Back to Arcadia for the group and everything is peaceful and quiet and back to normal… or is it?

Ett stort val…

Ett stort val…

Vi tar oss verkligen någonstans nu! Man kan riktigt känna framgången vi gör! Fy fan vad härligt!

Two more sessions

Two more sessions

My current aim now is that you’ll spend two more sessions in the state in which you are in.

Ny idé

Ny idé

Jag har en ny idé som jag har börjat implementera i kampanjen.

The problem with Wicken

The problem with Wicken

As you might remember we had a “bonus-session” on Thursday with the Triquerta. It went well, but when we tried to continue into the night I lost my focus and we fell into a...

A brief presentation…

A brief presentation…

This is for the Triquerta, as the previous post it’s meant to help things along even though we skip the in-game learning of this parts. I thought to present the most common people around...

A little about Arcadia

A little about Arcadia

I’ve decided that in order to help the Triquerta move along a little bit faster I will complement a lot of the information and what is needed through posts here and I will also...

Preliminary Thoughts

Preliminary Thoughts

My preliminary thoughts about  the division and changes I’ve made is that it works pretty well.

Session Plan

Session Plan

My session plan right now is almost set. After the impulsive but fairly good ‘make-up session’ I’ve gotten what I wanted. A more clear setting and scenery and most important of all; direction!

Gruppen är skapad!

Gruppen är skapad!

Tänkte bara säga att vi har ju nu alla gjort karaktärerna och det ser väldigt bra ut. Jag såg ett antal dåliga saker i systemet, men det ska jag fixa till. Har för mig...

Konvertering Del Tre – Avklarad

Konvertering Del Tre – Avklarad

Det sista av konverteringen är klar nu; nämligen uppdateringen av kostnader och även på samma gång rensning utav systemet i ett mindre svep.



Nu på Onsdag, den 2/2 så kommer jag hålla i en karaktärsverkstad där alla karaktärer kommer kunna göras hos mig. Det underlättar självklart om ni har med egna datorer men det kommer då finnas...

A swap of players

A swap of players

It seems Tocke is busy with life and work so he decided to quit the group and maybe return later. Luckily for the group, Daniel Åström were willing to step in and take Tockes...

Triquerta – Taethilis (Daniel)

Triquerta – Taethilis (Daniel)

And then our new player Daniel’s character. I will not add any critique to this character since I’ve been helping him with his character due to the short amount of time he had to...

En snabb notis

En snabb notis

Har förbannat mycket att göra atm men tänkte ändå skriva en snabb notis.