Tagged: PB

One dropout and one new

One dropout and one new

After the session yesterday with PB and Junior Boy, Junior decided to drop out of ADS for several reasons. I though intended to add to the group dynamics by trying to recruit a new...

Remember this day…

Remember this day…

Today a historical event took place! For the second time in six long years PB has forfeited a character. Last time it was due to WoW… But this time it was without any external...

Lite positiv kritik

Lite positiv kritik

Oavsett hur munvädret flög under föregående pass så är det ju inte helt åt skogen, ännu.

Resultat av förändringarna

Resultat av förändringarna

Just nu så är det så att de som blev mest lidande av förändringarna jag har gjort är Danne och Rasmus.

One more Temple

One more Temple

Will you make it? Or will Devon be able to slaughter the whole party before it happens? It sure is getting interesting now I must say with all that has happened lately. The funny...

Ramble XLVII

Ramble XLVII

Yesterday was quite a session I must admit. It was long and even though all parties wasn’t involved too much it was pretty ok. Just for those who left early, Junior at 23 and...

Notice About Saturday

Notice About Saturday

Due to some parental interference we had to postpone the rest of an interesting fight from today’s session. So I decided that the last, and most important part of this fight will be finished...

Ramble XXXIX

Ramble XXXIX

I must say that to me, this day have seemed to be an efficient one. I’ve gotten a lot done, and even managed to have two sessions and make a new evil time line...

This week…

This week…

…has been very, very tiring I must say. I’ve barely had any time to watch anime or series or anything and most of my lone time have been spent with writing stuff about this...

Så var vi igång igen…

Så var vi igång igen…

Ytterligare ett inlägg på svenska dock, men när jag ändå skriver två inlägg i rad så varför inte? Är väl lika bra att skriva bägge på svenska som dagens tema eller något, inte för...

Insane in the Membrane!

Insane in the Membrane!

As PB says, or at least used to say every now and then not too long ago, but even expressions like that gradually goes away with time I guess. The title of today’s post...

Weekend Notice

Weekend Notice

It seems like this weekend will be full of things… even though not as I first thought it would be. This notice is mostly to give you all a picture of what is happening...



Have you heard? The rumour I mean! About a strange place far, far away from here? It really does exist! I’ve been there. And it was called… Seven… Eleven!

And so we set the scene

And so we set the scene

Well, now I’ve reconstructed and pushed forward towards my goal. I actually had to speed up things a notch compared to the previous plan but this was the only way to make it work....

Inför Årsmötet

Inför Årsmötet

Hejsan Alla! WoN (The World of Nianze) är ingen stor förening och vårt enda egentliga syfte är att främja rollspel och då i första hand utvecklingen utav mitt rollspel. Just nu har vi åtta...