Tagged: memories
Juniors andra ettårsdag!
Det är nu ett år sedan jag skaffade min svarta katt Junior! Som ni kan se på sidan så finns de allra första bilderna på den lilla kraken där i förra inlägget. Satt och...
A Sentimental Promenade
Today I got a bit sentimental after eating my lunch so I took a promenade walking around listening to a book. And on this sentimental walk I took the opportunity to try to time...
A funny thing…
About, around, something close to, possibly, precisely, exactly three years ago this time I had the same problem.
Sleep the past days…
I’ve slept one to two times a day the past two days. Well, I would actually call it pass out rather than sleep. All to lack of energy. Usually I have a strict policy...
Late talks in the night
This is something I seldom do nowadays. Talk with someone until late at night only because I feel and want to. It’s been too long since I’ve had a really fulfilling experience like that.
Midsommardagen 2010
Är nog en utav de underbaraste dagarna på sommaren skulle jag tro. Om stan alltid hade varit lika lugn, läs död, som då skulle Luleå varit en offantligt mycket härligare stad att hänga i...
A day with much activity
Today was a good day indeed, with many fine discussions and some casual role-playing which suited me quite fine this day.
Ramble L-2
Eftersom det senaste rabblet gick åt skogen så skriver jag ytterligare en. De senaste dagarna har jag i princip varit oavbrutet upptagen med diverse olika göromål vilket har gjort att jag inte haft tid...
Unexpected Visit
Well, I was just cooling down preparing mentally for bed since my head was spinning when I got a phone call around half past twelve.
Myst Rerun
When I was reinstalling my computer my eyes happened to pass over Myst and Riven in my TV-bookcase and I remembered that I still haven’t finished Riven and I remembered all those hours I’ve...
Så var vi igång igen…
Ytterligare ett inlägg på svenska dock, men när jag ändå skriver två inlägg i rad så varför inte? Är väl lika bra att skriva bägge på svenska som dagens tema eller något, inte för...
Old Memories
Anybody remember Phorumet? The forum I spent most of my younger days at? Today when I searched the internet for some information I happened to find that Phorumet is alive… in a mirrored copy...
Tribute to Japan
It’s been a little over a year since I returned from Japan now and I must say that the late events all have strengthen my desire to go back there. I don’t really know...
Friends of Old
I wonder how many ”friends” or ”buddies” I’ve forgotten over my life. I remember having some momentary friends during summer-camps and when I was with my father on the Air Field when he was...
Ramble XVIII
The number on the ramble posts have grown quite large I think. But well, it’s easier to write than Daily Report blah, blah, blah… and it’s more correct since a daily report is mostly...
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