Tagged: group

En liten Recap

En liten Recap

Nu blev det ju så att lite faktiskt hände efter Ankan försvann.

Escalation of gameplay

Escalation of gameplay

I’ve been thinking, or rather as I’ve expressed earlier, I’m meaning to greatly escalate the gameplay of the Triquerta group.

En ny grupp

En ny grupp

Har nu typ påbörjat skapandet av en andra grupp. Gruppen kommer bestå utav Tocke, Andreas, David och Louise. Av just skäl som bekvämlighet och så begränsar jag gruppen till fyra och finner det även...

Pennor och sudd

Pennor och sudd

Jag har nu fixat pennor, stift och sudd så det räcker och blir över till hela gruppen. Pennorna är stiftpennor på 0.5 och stiften är naturligtvis det samma. Sudden är vanliga nya sudd som...

Moving the sessions…

Moving the sessions…

Soon we need to move at least one session day from Monday since Daniel will soon start a circle in WANOs name that needs to be on Monday evenings. My suggestion is that we...

Rollspel i veckan

Rollspel i veckan

Som jag just skrivit så blev jag blixtsjuk igen en snabbis under helgen. Jag är i skrivande stund, måndag, nästan tillbaka vid full hälsa. Jag saknar visst fokus och jag har svullen hals och...

A little about Arcadia

A little about Arcadia

I’ve decided that in order to help the Triquerta move along a little bit faster I will complement a lot of the information and what is needed through posts here and I will also...

A swap of players

A swap of players

It seems Tocke is busy with life and work so he decided to quit the group and maybe return later. Luckily for the group, Daniel Åström were willing to step in and take Tockes...

Spelare inför Magicka Triquerta

Spelare inför Magicka Triquerta

Jag märkte just att jag inte informerat folk om detta men eftersom jag just börjat skriva om rollspel och kampanjen i stort kan jag lika gärna fortsätta.

A New Group – Triquerta Magicka

A New Group – Triquerta Magicka

Since the story needs to be erased or rewinded and due to the loss of players. We’ve decided to forfeit The Eye and start on a new campaign. This campaign will start after ADS...

The group in distress

The group in distress

Well, the group have some trouble now. We are only two players. Two players are just about the requirement I have to play but still. The group is almost gone so I’m thinking about...

Another drop-out

Another drop-out

Rasmus have decided to drop-out from the group as well. WoW has taken him plus he’s lost some motivation due to the downtime. But maybe he’ll be back in the future, who knows? Anyhow,...

One step at a time…

One step at a time…

I’ve started to accelerate ADS now.

Password is…

Password is…

This month in Nianze with a capital letter followed by the country The Eye is currently in also with a capital as first letter. It’s meant that all my players in The Eye-group should...

Three Dangerous Adventures

Three Dangerous Adventures

Well, the second Arc will begin with a boom. Hopefully this boom will not take out the entire group which almost seems to be the case right now, heh…