Tagged: Daniel
Efter att ha sett, Daniels reaktion så får det mig att fundera om det är fler personer som missförstått varför jag låst poster eller om det bara är så att folk har haft så...
Resultat av förändringarna
Just nu så är det så att de som blev mest lidande av förändringarna jag har gjort är Danne och Rasmus.
Shikár Posts Unlocked
Well, just wanted to say that I’ve unlocked the Shikár Posts now I will most likely unlock the Takfir Posts soon too. The Shikár posts have been open to Rasmus, Ankan and Daniel and...
One more Temple
Will you make it? Or will Devon be able to slaughter the whole party before it happens? It sure is getting interesting now I must say with all that has happened lately. The funny...
Good Initiative
I just wanted to say that Daniel’s decision to go against the group is one of the best initiatives I’ve seen in this group so far and by far the best initiative he has...
A Successful Cluedo
For the first time since I’ve rebuilt and officially done this Cluedo-scenario I’ve finally been able to play through a whole and complete session of Cluedo with a good result.
Ramble XXXIX
I must say that to me, this day have seemed to be an efficient one. I’ve gotten a lot done, and even managed to have two sessions and make a new evil time line...
They died…
Well, not all of them but Keisuke really died. When he rolled his last roll he was down on -26, and unfortunately Hibiki failed to save him, so he ended up buried in a...
Weekend Notice
It seems like this weekend will be full of things… even though not as I first thought it would be. This notice is mostly to give you all a picture of what is happening...
And so we set the scene
Well, now I’ve reconstructed and pushed forward towards my goal. I actually had to speed up things a notch compared to the previous plan but this was the only way to make it work....
Development and Losses
Things are slowly going forward in many areas. I’m getting money and things are becoming more and more stable thanks to both that and some breakfast. With energy life becomes so much brighter and...
Understanding and Respect
Today I’ve noticed that my linguistic skills are in some areas better in English than in Swedish. I’m pretty sure this is the case for most of our generation and those around us, at...
Song of the Week #27
So, well. Here I am again with the song of the week. It’s actually week 28 now and it’s actually monday. But I just got up and well… The past week have been a little… strange maybe? However, the song of the week is Jumper with...
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