Tagged: critique

En reflektion om era karaktärer

En reflektion om era karaktärer

Jag har hållit mig från att ge er allt för mycket kritik på senaste men tänkte ventilera lite saker. Ni väljer själv om ni tar åt er eller inte. Med tanke på hur inaktiv...

An explanation…

An explanation…

It’s unnecessary for me to answer on everything you wrote so I’ll explain instead. And it seems that it became a post instead of a comment due to it’s length. It’s an answer to...

Lite positiv kritik

Lite positiv kritik

Oavsett hur munvädret flög under föregående pass så är det ju inte helt åt skogen, ännu.

One step in the right direction

One step in the right direction

I must admit, even though maybe I shouldn’t, that it went much better today. Complaining seems to work, even though I still suspect you have some way to go before really understanding how I...

Pointers for tomorrow

Pointers for tomorrow

Well, I think I should remind you of some things and bring up some other things while I’m at it before the session tomorrow.

Practice in Olak Hills – Result

Practice in Olak Hills – Result

I don’t know what to say really… The session went… okay… almost. If I put it like this, I should have sent you back home as soon as I saw Danne’s yawn – which...