Category: RPG

Weekend Notice

Weekend Notice

It seems like this weekend will be full of things… even though not as I first thought it would be. This notice is mostly to give you all a picture of what is happening...

Shikár – Part Four

Shikár – Part Four

Hum, tänkte försöka mig på en fjärde del av denna serie utav poster men vi får väl se hur lång denna blir. Det finns fortfarande mycket jag har kommit på och strukturerat upp och...

More Delay

More Delay

It seems like Kjell is quite bad in estimating when to open the shop. I think this is the third, or maybe fourth time the opening has been postponed for one or another reason....

The Shikár – Part Three

The Shikár – Part Three

Så, en tredje del utav denna serie, som mycket väl kan bli fyra eller fler delar om jag ska få ner allt jag vill beskriva på papper istället för att lämna det öppet för...

Almost Restored

Almost Restored

If I should say a procentage of how much of my health has been recovered I would say 90 or maybe 85%. My voice is back to full strength as of today so I...

The Shikár – Part Two

The Shikár – Part Two

Ja, då hade jag energi att skriva igen då, verkar det som. Till att börja med så läste jag igenom den föregående texten och noterade några fel, och jag menar inte stavfel utan fel...

The Arc Break

The Arc Break

As stated earlier the arc is over and now I’m beginning to recover so let’s just give you some idea what we’ll do next in this pause. I’ve decided that we will have three...

About the Shikár-post

About the Shikár-post

It’s password protected and those who will have authority to read it will be given the password. If you want the password you could always ask and if I am nice I might give...

The Shikár – Part One

The Shikár – Part One

Jag är inte säker på att det kommer bli mer än en del utav detta dokument men jag skriver det i förebyggande syfte. Anledningen till att jag skriver på svenska nu är för att...

Shangri La – Ended

Shangri La – Ended

It seems like you managed to get out of my illusion world in the end. It was in no hurry though; you still had quite some time left to get out of there safely...

Busy RPG Week

Busy RPG Week

This week is turning out to be the busiest RPG week of the month. It was not planned to be like this but due to my brief outburst this Wednesday it seems like it...

Techniques and Stamina

Techniques and Stamina

This is just a thought and before I elaborate it I want some opinions about it both for and against so I can weight them. Most likely there will be a Rule Forum after...

Shangri La

Shangri La

Well, Shangri La will be a campaign scenario, thus meaning that it will be a little “campaign” style series of sessions. When I define campaign it is often something with an ulterior motive or...

You think this might be an X-file?

You think this might be an X-file?

This phrase is something that you’ll hear about a dozen times or more when you play X-files with Rasmus and Robert. I have a speculation that Rasmus mostly is playing because that he can...

And so we set the scene

And so we set the scene

Well, now I’ve reconstructed and pushed forward towards my goal. I actually had to speed up things a notch compared to the previous plan but this was the only way to make it work....

Loss of Thoughts

Loss of Thoughts

This long pause has caused me to lose some of my planning and motives for the AFC-group. Well, most of it is still in my memory but the feel of it is just dull...

The Rush of Energy

The Rush of Energy

Today I decided that my body had been settled long enough to try an energy drink to see what happens. The result, so far, is pleasing and I had almost forgotten the rush of...

Notice – Decision

Notice – Decision

No role-play this weekend, that’s my decision. I’ve been resting and cleaning and shit today but I’m still worn out and have some more things to do. I’m not in the mood to play...

The Pause Ahead

The Pause Ahead

The few days ahead will obviously be a small pause to most things…

X-Files – RPG

X-Files – RPG

I played with the kids today. And we played for pretty long too. I think this was the longest session we’ve had with only the kids and the longest period I’ve had the kids...