Category: RPG



Since I got home from Piteå I’ve been thinking about this and that when it comes to role-playing and I have some thoughts I will share with the rest of you. I’ve been drinking...

Campaigns in Progress

Campaigns in Progress

Since The Travels in Iijavin were cancelled I’ve been thinking on and off on a lot of campaigns I want to try and I think that I’ll play a short campaign soon. Something like...



One day without role-playing. I survived. Hehe, not that I really was without role-playing. I’ve been working a little in my Blue Book where I write thoughts concerning the AFC-group. I’ve started to write...

Group Cancellation

Group Cancellation

This is just a short notice. Robert has just informed me, that Travels in Iijavin will be cancelled. Or to be more frank, after a discussion we agreed that it’s no use to continue...

The Second Session

The Second Session

Was a lot better than the first I think. At least I feel like we are finally moving forward again and people are getting more into their characters. Stuff is in motion and people...

Så var vi igång igen…

Så var vi igång igen…

Ytterligare ett inlägg på svenska dock, men när jag ändå skriver två inlägg i rad så varför inte? Är väl lika bra att skriva bägge på svenska som dagens tema eller något, inte för...

Rabbel XXXVI

Rabbel XXXVI

Vad sägs om lite rabbel på svenska för omväxlings skull? Det underlättar skrivandet rätt så mycket samt även gör det lättare att förstå vad jag menar, skulle jag tro. Ibland kan onödiga missförstånd komma...

Use Protection!

Use Protection!

Or something… as you’ve might have noticed I have a few posts here that are protected. What is inside of this you will all know… on Saturday, hehe. But sort said, it’s about role-playing...

What more is…

What more is…

Takfirerna håller till överallt i öknen, men de farligaste, mest seriösa och mest eftertraktade och hatade Takfirerna håller till i ’The Rim’ som även är känt som ’ The Grey Sands’. Detta är ett...

You should know…

You should know…

…att Takfirer är en väldigt lustig och svår skara att jaga men ändå så är din karaktär mästare på detta. Som tidigare sagt så om du inte kommer ihåg allting så får du ändra...

Evening Ramble XXXV

Evening Ramble XXXV

I just got the urge to write a short post, after eating my second dinner and watching anime. I must say that I feel quite stimulated since I got home. Hopefully it will continue...

The View of the Sand War

The View of the Sand War

I think that IF you are interested in the History of Nianze which I’m recreating and making more… stable and logical to fit my new view of the world, then you want to know...



I’ve begun to look over everything that is happening in AFC now. I’ve gone through quite a lot already and begun to list everything, all the storylines, timelines, goals and events that are currently...

RPG in Stockholm

RPG in Stockholm

Well, today I finally got them role-playing for the first time and with a pretty good result I must say. Even though their focus wasn’t the best, but it was okay.

Group Setup – Iijavin

Group Setup – Iijavin

As earlier mentioned a group for Iijavin is now forming. The current members of this group is Ante, Foppa, Rasmus and Robert and I will probably keep it like that since this is a...

A New Group – Travels in Iijavin

A New Group – Travels in Iijavin

So a new group is forming it seems. I’m not really sure if we’ll continue with X-files but we’ll see I guess. For now I’m creating a small campaign within the lost world of...

Staging the Second Arc

Staging the Second Arc

So now we’ve begun. The Second Arc is rising! And it seem to be filled with agony and pain and several dilemmas and choices, in the beginning…

Need to get going

Need to get going

Now we’ve had a long enough pause in role-playing. I’ve completely lost track of when PB works or not and since I’ve seen Ankan twice the week and also seen some requests I think...

Session Notice

Session Notice

A thought just came to mind… I’ve said that the main group goes first right now. AFC-sessions are first if the people concerned want their sessions overwith. So if a conflict arises, if someone...

The Shikár – Part Five

The Shikár – Part Five

Så, den femte delen utav denna serie, jag tror jag har fått grepp om hur lång den kommer att bli nu, om jag inte skriver allt för mycket om en punkt igen. Jag har...