Category: RPG

Session Notice

Session Notice

Hello again. Well, once could say that I’m healthy again, even though I’m not back to full health. The question though is if we should play tomorrow and when. I will obviously not have...

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed?

That I’m finally have caught up on the blog. I’ve filled the vacant days from the Kusmark trip now with posts and hopefully you’ll find most of them interesting. It’s been hard to think...



If anyone wants to try this, please sign up under this post and I’ll get back to you later tonight. Most likely we’ll play from around 18:00-19:00, so please notice me if you want...

Fokusering hos Shikárerna

Fokusering hos Shikárerna

Kom in på det där i slutet av det förra inlägget och tänkte att jag kan väl se vad jag kan knåpa ihop om detta så får jag ytterligare en dag fylld men information...

Elementarism hos Shikárerna

Elementarism hos Shikárerna

Jag har suttit och funderat fram och tillbaka under hela dagen om jag ska eller inte ska skriva denna post. Nackdelarna med att skriva en post som detta är att folk tar för mycket...

Kusmark i revy

Kusmark i revy

Så än en gång har vi varit i Kusmark och denna gång var väldigt mycket roligare än sist, även om det var mer missöden och mer irritation iblandad i denna omgång. Plus att PB...

Notice About Saturday

Notice About Saturday

Due to some parental interference we had to postpone the rest of an interesting fight from today’s session. So I decided that the last, and most important part of this fight will be finished...

Crystal of the Dark Age

Crystal of the Dark Age

This is the invite I will soon post and also put up in Iocus for people to sign up for. Most likely I’ll have you try it, some time. But well, we’ll see… For...

Ramble XL

Ramble XL

Well, I haven’t written any post for a while and I have my reasons. I actually didn’t think that I would have time to write anything today but due to a drop in my...

Kusmark Igen

Kusmark Igen

Well, nu är det bestämt. Kusmark är satt som destination och vi åker nästa vecka på tisdag. Bara för att besvara PBs fråga offentligt så kan jag redan nu redogöra att jag inte väljer...

Post RPG

Post RPG

I just got an idea that I would like to try. Not that I think I’ll be doing this often, but well, maybe. I’m not sure if it’s that a good idea to try...

Social Overload

Social Overload

Yesterday, or today depending on how you look at it, I got tired of all creatures called humans. Or at least all I doesn’t like, which is kind of all people I know with...

Ramble XXXIX

Ramble XXXIX

I must say that to me, this day have seemed to be an efficient one. I’ve gotten a lot done, and even managed to have two sessions and make a new evil time line...

Lite om veckan

Lite om veckan

Då jag ändå skriver två inlägg i samma veva så kan jag ju hålla mig till svenskan i bägge tycker jag, speciellt då detta är mer en informativ notis angående den kommande veckan, mest...

Lyckad dag

Lyckad dag

Idag är det svårt att organisera tankarna för något innehållsrikt inlägg så därav svenskan igen. Jag borde använda svenska i mina inlägg oftare då det är betydligt lättare att förmedla vad som jag vill...

This week…

This week…

…has been very, very tiring I must say. I’ve barely had any time to watch anime or series or anything and most of my lone time have been spent with writing stuff about this...

Good Bye and Rule Forum

Good Bye and Rule Forum

So it seems like the group was cut in half this Tuesday and since you are so bad on commenting on my changes and voicing your opinions about it I think we might as...

They died…

They died…

Well, not all of them but Keisuke really died. When he rolled his last roll he was down on -26, and unfortunately Hibiki failed to save him, so he ended up buried in a...

One step closer…

One step closer…

My other thoughts in RPG concerns weapons. I want the weapons to have not too different damages, but mostly different appliances such as weapon types have different negative and positive effects. Most of the...