Category: RPG

Years Before On This Day III

Years Before On This Day III

It seems like a lot was set in motion a year from now. Looking at the widget about what I wrote the past few days one can clearly see one of my creative “super...

Project 3 – Beginnings – Part One

Project 3 – Beginnings – Part One

This is a Short Story series I’ve just begun writing. It’s planned to become 9 parts in total divided into 3 different stages. This is the first stage, Beginnings. Also heed my warning, I...

Years Before On This Day II

Years Before On This Day II

Så startades AFC-gruppen, eller liknande. Det är då ett år sedan på denna dag som jag skrev det som skulle bli grunden till AFC-gruppen som nästan överlevde i ett år faktiskt.

Years Before On This Day I

Years Before On This Day I

This is the first Years Before-post I write. Well, see if this is total waste or not. If not, it’s a funny way to reuse old posts when you all seem to have died...

Lite positiv kritik

Lite positiv kritik

Oavsett hur munvädret flög under föregående pass så är det ju inte helt åt skogen, ännu.

One step in the right direction

One step in the right direction

I must admit, even though maybe I shouldn’t, that it went much better today. Complaining seems to work, even though I still suspect you have some way to go before really understanding how I...

Pointers for tomorrow

Pointers for tomorrow

Well, I think I should remind you of some things and bring up some other things while I’m at it before the session tomorrow.

Ramble XLIX

Ramble XLIX

The first thing that pops into my mind as I’m writing the title is; Damn! XLIX is a damn good Xin name! Maybe I shall use it on my first introduction of the Xins?...

Practice in Olak Hills – Result

Practice in Olak Hills – Result

I don’t know what to say really… The session went… okay… almost. If I put it like this, I should have sent you back home as soon as I saw Danne’s yawn – which...

Session Request 26/1-10

Session Request 26/1-10

Good to see someone else writing a request. How ideal it would be if this would come more naturally and by more than just a selected few. But well, you can’t get anything you...

Practice in Olak Hills

Practice in Olak Hills

Well, I think that the last session went relativetly okay so I decided to reward Dannes initiative and advance somewhat into the campaign. You still all lack some imagination and seem to have a...

A Normal Day II

A Normal Day II

Yes, some more help for you this is, yes. More specifically; what can be included in a normal day? Without giving away too much nor too little.

A Normal Day I

A Normal Day I

Well, I was kind of thinking. Yes, you know that think thinking that not everybody does. Well, not many I know of anyway. It’s that special kind of think when you use some parts...

LoW – Detta är Fortet

LoW – Detta är Fortet

Hum, jag är ej längre upptagen under dagtid imorgon vilket gör det eventuellt möjligt att spela då. Dock så är ju frågan om man borde spela då eller på kvällen eller inte. Jag hade...