Category: General

Future Locked Posts

Future Locked Posts

There will be a series of locked posts in the future. It serves a purpose. There is something I require for you to understand and to find out. When you do understand what it...

A Review of the Gathering Storm

A Review of the Gathering Storm

After almost five years of waiting the twelfth book finally arrived even though it wasn’t written by Jordan himself which is a shame. It would most likely have been different if it had been...



Usch måste jag säga. Junior fes just, och av någon konstig anledning så vill han kela just nu. Hoppar upp hela tiden och tja, till och med Daniels fisar är ingenting i närheten av...

A Major Rewrite of the Myths

A Major Rewrite of the Myths

I’m just giving you a heads up about what I’m doing right now. I’m rewriting the myths, changing some sentences here and adding some additional information there. I won’t change the old posts, because...

The Lack of Posts

The Lack of Posts

There’ll be a lack of post the upcoming few days since I’ll probably be busy doing other stuff than sitting by my computer all the time. But I’ll fill it up later. Be patient,...

Plugin is nuts

Plugin is nuts

Well, the Events Calendar is a little bit nuts because of the incompatible CSS-file but I’ll fix it in due time. For those who haven’t noticed, the days with events aren’t blue anymore due...

Kulturnatten Inställd

Kulturnatten Inställd

Fick just ett samtal från Lloyd (vice Ordförande) som meddelade att 3 av 4 av styrelsen i Umeå är sjuka i influensa. Den resterande 1 av 4 Arbetar idag och skulle då inte kunna...

The Guild

The Guild

httpvhd:// Just been watching this alot these past couple of days, can’t get enough.



If anyone wants to try this, please sign up under this post and I’ll get back to you later tonight. Most likely we’ll play from around 18:00-19:00, so please notice me if you want...

Back from Kusmark

Back from Kusmark

Just wanted to place a short notice that we’re finally home from our trip. A lot of posts to write later but that will come. Right now I only feel annoyed, tired and slightly...

Svenska kan va kul ibland…

Svenska kan va kul ibland…

Jag var på en utav mina standardsidor och läste och såg då ett inlägg med väldigt roliga uttryck som folk har sett runt om i sverige. Jag måste säga att jag då fann dem...

Song of the Week #28

Song of the Week #28

This week I present to you two versions of the same song. The English as well as the Swedish version so it still counts as one song, I think.

Mimmis Tappra Försök

Mimmis Tappra Försök

hello pps! Queen mimmi here… I’m the mighty and beatuy of sweden… inte riktigt i mitt essä.. mitt essä ligger inte i svorak, men jag e ju tvungen att försöka… gaaaah! nu ger jag...

Prototype from Escapist

Prototype from Escapist

I downloaded Prototype a week or two ago but there is more and more speaking for that I shouldn’t play this game I’m afraid, here is an review from Zero Punctuation.

Pics and Vidz

Pics and Vidz

Hehe, it seems that I’m falling faaar behind schedule now since this week has been really, really busy but I have some planned posts so until then I give some new pics to watch...