Category: About me



Today have been a good day, I think. I have at least been feeling quite good compared to other days. Well… relatively good at least, it could always be better (of course). But still...

After the first…

After the first…

… duo session I’m getting my faith back that we might soon be back on track again. Maybe this is what at least I needed to get confidence that this might work after all…



I don’t really know how you think and feel but I feel like the group have been lacking somehow lately. It just feels dull and that matters aren’t progressing. It might be me, it...

Just Because…

Just Because…

I might add something later, but you know why =P

A Quick Notice 2

A Quick Notice 2

Just to fill up the days I wanted to write something quickly before I got too far behind and lost interest in writing anything. The Shiteru Ka I wrote I felt like it was...

Ramble XXII

Ramble XXII

Today have been a really slack day. I’ve been quite sick so I’ve mostly slept and played EQ and watched anime. I actually didn’t plan to play EQ today but then Foppa were going...

AFC – First Impression

AFC – First Impression

So we got the soft start I was hoping for. I tried to get something to compensate for the starter-session with a really soft start with no big activities in which you could try...

Ramble XXI

Ramble XXI

It’s been a very productive, yet not productive day today. I’ve done quite a lot but I’ve not done everything and not completed everything I’ve started with. But well, it’s a good day anyway,...

Ramble XX

Ramble XX

*Sighs deeply* Finally, things are settling down now, that’s good. It’s a pity though that my TV was postponed but I guess that’s life. It’s not like we need a rule forum anyway I...

Ramble XIX

Ramble XIX

If I had the power to write a long post, I would write a long post about Demonic Lineage and being deaf and blind and jada jada jada, but I don’t have the power...

Pre-Sessions Complete

Pre-Sessions Complete

Or at least almost, PB and Foppa have a little, little bit left to do but since we where short on time yesterday I think that they can do this the next group-talk-session. Which...

Temporary Problems

Temporary Problems

There seems to be a temporary problem with the links on the page. This will be fixed shortly. Best Regards, Herid Fel

The End of A Dark Life

The End of A Dark Life

Well, it seems that A Dark Life has been terminated. Well, actually that was a choice I was prepared for since I’ve now actually finished the most important part of the campaign and explained...

Just a Status Report

Just a Status Report

Shigoto, shigoto! Well, I must admit… I have an addiction and it’s real, really real. Though it’s not as typical as other addictions, I can stop whenever I want… really. If I wanted… but...

Ramble XVIII

Ramble XVIII

The number on the ramble posts have grown quite large I think. But well, it’s easier to write than Daily Report blah, blah, blah… and it’s more correct since a daily report is mostly...

RSS-feed is Working Again

RSS-feed is Working Again

Just a notice! I think the title says it all. Now it will finally be so much easier for us who knows how to operate a computer to keep track on the blog without...