Category: About me

The Dude Abides

The Dude Abides

I found a picture which I abide to, take a look…

Three Dangerous Adventures

Three Dangerous Adventures

Well, the second Arc will begin with a boom. Hopefully this boom will not take out the entire group which almost seems to be the case right now, heh…

Inköp av dator – Lösning i sikte

Inköp av dator – Lösning i sikte

Nu är det ju så att Linsuss har börjat sjunga om att dö och hon är mer och mer odräglig för var dag som går. Dock så har det visat sig på mötet att...

HDDs on their way!

HDDs on their way!

Today I got money and after paying two late rents I decided to order two 2TB HDDs. So soon I will update the server with 200%. This is a short notice post, posted from...

RPG Notice

RPG Notice

Jag har inte förberett allting till Ögat Hoppet som skall ske men jag har börjat strukturera det mesta i mitt huvud.

Harry Potter Marathon

Harry Potter Marathon

Well, sometime in the middle of the week I felt like watching all the Harry Potter Movies again.

Journal Entries

Journal Entries

I’ll start a journal thing now, this thing though is not as private as other stuff. But due to my secretive nature I don’t want just anyone to read it thus if you really...

Bald Again

Bald Again

As you might have guessed, the previous post referred to my new baldness.

I’ve done it again…

I’ve done it again…

It happened again… today… at 17:00. Oh my, how good this feels. And what will we do now? Nobody knows… Remember this day.

The Eye – Big Jump?

The Eye – Big Jump?

Well, I’ve been thinking a little lately about your request to do a big mission after the Platoon Exercise. I’ve also thought and reviewed your opinions, thoughts, reasons and goals behind your character and...

I’m back, kinda…

I’m back, kinda…

Well, I’ve in one way or another procured food enough to fill my fridge. The energy loss I’ve had the past days is really annoying, loosing breakfast is one thing, but completely loosing almost...

Kattrabbel 2

Kattrabbel 2

Så ett sista inlägg på svenska då, var ett tag sedan och kan behövas.

A funny thing…

A funny thing…

About, around, something close to, possibly, precisely, exactly three years ago this time I had the same problem.

Sleep the past days…

Sleep the past days…

I’ve slept one to two times a day the past two days. Well, I would actually call it pass out rather than sleep. All to lack of energy. Usually I have a strict policy...