This post is meant for Ankan.

You have chosen to play Karl Rivers.

Karl Rivers is an oddball thas has a very, different relationship with Gaberski. He was borderline-crazy before the horrible incident with the ghouls but after both what he`s seen and found since he is starting to become more and more unsure where his sanity really lies and he`s becoming somewhat skittish.

“I`ve seen this before, and… well, if you`d calm down, I`d be happy to show you.”

Karl worked as an investigative reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer until he was fired six months ago for his wild conspiracy theories. He has been living in his car ever since.

He has spent the time working freelance for various tabloids and calling the SCU with all sorts of strange cases, trying to convice them to help him find evindence of The Truth he knows is out there.

When Gaberski took out a restrating order against him, he turned to his Internet contacts, many of whom work with Network 0. A special network of anoymous and very strange people on the web that shares information about strange conspiracies and occult happenings. Or to uncover secrets of governments and corrupt agencies.

After he started uncovering what was really out there he purchased a handgun for protection. First to end his own life, but later, for protection, what little it would provide.

When Gaberski and his unit got the offer from the strange Agent Craver to join Task Force: VALKYIRE, Karl was also invited if he would help them solve one special case for Craver.

Karl has always looked a little crazed and disheveled, and living out of his car isn`t helping any. His T-shirts always look like they`ve been slept in (which is frequently true), and his colonge doesn`t always cover up the smell of body odor and cigarette smoke. His lack of regular grooming has left his black hair long and greasy, and his wispy beard is starting to fill in.

Roleplaying Hints
You have a certainty to your attitude that many people find unsettling, and you`re frequently labaled as crazy. You are aware of these reactions, and even their cause, but that doesn`t sway you from your search for the Truth. People need to know about the things that stalk them, whatever or not they want to.

You don`t let on, but the things you read about often rattle your nerves, so you smoke constantly in an effort to calm yourself.

And yeah, you hate it when Gaberski calls you “Junior”…

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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