The Five United – 3×04 – Fateful Meetings (Interlude)

After Durin comes back you all have a lot to think about. Durin cannot talk about what has happen, he still is in a mild shock about it1. Maybe he can tell you later, when he’s processed it. For now Ethen advices to let him be and for you to try to ignore Melfite and your dealings with him. For the moment. You all have other things to deal with before you can move forward…

Now I all want you to make action-based decisions. It’s general actions of approach and desired information and results you wish to obtain.


I wish to investigate why the rumours about our visit to the prison has been so quiet.

You can include how to do it if you like and other specifications. I will ask contra-questions in how you’ll achieve it and or other options. Then new options will open up and so on.

The subjects that needs to be partially or fully resolved is;

Dina – The enraged Vindicate ex. Commander
Laeden – The captured Warden and Aedys’s father
The Status of Ramsgate and Rambull
The Location of the Mystic
Information on the Mystery Gate

But own actions could also be dealt with. So, let’s begin!


  1. This event will be played out in a closed session – exclusive to Daniel with a possibility of Paranormal Sanity Overload 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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27 Responses

  1. Daniel says:

    I’ll just pile my thoughts on here in the order I think of them.

    If possible I would like to get my armor patched up.

    I obviously have interest in why I was guided to Dina (wasn’t it Dany?) and Durin will likely spend a lot of time talking to her as he’s pretty much shut in anyway. Specific things I would like to know about is circumstances of her capture, her plans from here and if she knows anything about Rambull (local officers, activities or something about Laeden perhaps?).Also, you mentioned her falling sick, is there something we can do about that? I imagine Ethen would do what he could by virtue of “autopilot” but I want to help this woman if I can.

    Maybe we can gather some information about Rambull’s plans (on a broader scale, where are they focusing activites and so on) without actually breaking into the keep. The method I can think of is getting their troops (or other affiliates) to talk about where they are being sent out/deployed if they got advance notice and also stuff that might be out of the ordinary. Ideally we could get someone to spill info that they shouldn’t? This is obviously not for Durin, but it’s an idea at least.

    I assume that ‘the mystic’ is the one we’ve been refering to as ‘the chinese guy’? Durin is all for that at least 😛

    Largely due to Aedys seeming like an emotional mine field around Laeden Durin won’t push hard around matters surrounding the guy…. He is as ever, blunt with his opinions though… He is Rambull and he doesn’t want to be anything else, that much is obvious. He should be interrogated without reservation, but again… Durin won’t push hard for it 😛

    • Daniel says:

      Oh, and the hammer could do with patching up too.

    • Herid Fel says:

      I obviously have interest in why I was guided to Dina (wasn’t it Dany?)

      Actually it was Dani. But yes.

      You cannot do anything to her malnutrition other than to feed her, give her food, water and medicine as well as general care.

      I ignore everything you said that wasn’t of relevance (things that you obviously just wanted to ventilate but wasn’t actions Durin was capable of doing)

      Well, so Durin let Aedys take point on the interrogation of Laeden?

      As for Armours and Weapons. This is impossible for you to mend here. Or in the area at all. You cannot get the materials, and you cannot get a proper workshop without arousing lots, and lots of attention so no. Durin is stranded inside with no way to deal with armour and weapon repairs.

      I will return with more questions about Dani and her responses to your questions. For now, I must have more how Durin sees her, treats her and her general way of dealing with her.

      • Daniel says:

        Well, so Durin let Aedys take point on the interrogation of Laeden?

        Basicly, or anyone that wants to press the matter.

        I will return with more questions about Dani and her responses to your questions. For now, I must have more how Durin sees her, treats her and her general way of dealing with her.

        Generally speaking he just treats her with respect, she was the leader of Vidicate and that in itself carries a lot of weight with Durin. She’s also the first dwarven warrior woman he has met (at least to my knowledge), I don’t know if HoS says anything in particular about that concept, but I imagine it’s something of interest in one form or another at least. I would have to see more of her attitudes and behaviour to really determine much more than this.

    • Herid Fel says:

      She was captured during a raid. Poisoned than dragged. The raid was an success though and for that she is proud of them.

      She is sick and knows only revenge. She will try to gather supplies, get to higher ground (figuratively speaking), and then find a good way to strike back at them. Then sooner or later, find her way back home or home.

      She knows almost nothing, nothing she can recall at the moment. (Wait for her to get better)

  2. Patrik says:

    Well, these are the things ive thought about so far:

    1. Aedys wants to at least start having small conversations with her father, and try to jog his memory a bit by asking things about him, his life so far, and about his supposedly twin brother and axon as a best friend. I guess she also wants to try and get some sort of acknowledgement that she is his daughter. But I guess most of all she wants him to start talking with her. She also wants to make it clear that he cant return to rambull at this moment.
    (if this counts as multiple actions I guess this will have priority over anything else)

    2. She also wants to make it perfectly clear to this Dina, that attacking or as much as trying to raise a hand towards Laeden will not be tolerated.

    3. Unless someone else does it I think Aedys actually wants to try and obtain the information as to why the news about the breakout hasnt reached public ears. Could it mean something or is it just Rambull that wants to keep a lid on it.

    • Herid Fel says:

      1. Laeden is in control and stable again. He refuses to speak about Axon or Doppelganger. He just smiles at Aedys, mockingly and says that she can believe all she wants that he is her father. He calls you desperate lunatics dealing with dark arts and delusions. He eats and drinks, but only a little and he is very cautious of the water and food. He never eats anything unless he has seen you prepare it or drink at least twice as much of it yourself.

      He is adamant that you should let him go or demand ransom. Holding him will just risk you being killed.

      2. Dani tolerates it, but she thinks that having him here is a waste of space, food and other resources. He is one of the Rambulls and a very dangerous one.

      3. How do you plan to do this? Just listening to the non-existent rumours out in the town will not be good enough. Think; When? Where? How?

      • Patrik says:

        As for Laeden she will be the one giving all the food and keeping him in check, she will try to just earn some trust by being a good captor and hopefully he will loosen his tongue eventually.

        3. I was thinking about going about kind of the same way as the bribing, I mean if we could bribe someone or some rambulls into giving us detailed info about their dungeons it shouldnt be that hard to bribe someone to get some details about what is being said about the prison assault and what is being done about it.

        • Herid Fel says:

          Just being a good captor will not yield many answers and he will mostly observe and speak only limitedly. He spends most of his time sleeping and maintaining his strength.

          The only thing that’s come out in one way or another is that his loyalty to Axon is high, but not higher than you all have to each other.

          But the Loyalty to Lublei – Doppelganger – is far higher than any bond you have. He seems to be willing to die to protect the Doppelganger.

          3. The only results you get by the first careful bribing and coaxing is that they are afraid. Some even outright refuses to even hear about it. Something fishy is going on.

  3. Ankan says:

    I think Ethen leaves Laeden in the care of Aedys.

    He does what he can to take care of Dani and the rest of the time he spends trying to figure out what this mystery gate is about. He begins this work by collecting the information we know about it. In what area it was spotted. The rumors about it. How it looks. How come it cannot be found? Is it invisible, does it move around or does it somehow stop people from going to where it is?

    Who can find it according to the rumors?

  4. Rasmus says:

    1. Hugon talks to the Rambulls at his work, trying to figure out if they know anything or has heard anything about the rescue… Kidnapping of their warden.

    Otherwise I don’t have much.

  5. Herid Fel says:

    To all of you;
    What is your opinion and attitude about the whole situation? Melfite, Dani, Rambull, Laeden, Lublei?

    • Daniel says:

      The whole thing with Melfite is a mess, but the real problem as Durin sees it is that he is so heavy handed and secretive. Of course there’ll be problems with that kind of conduct.

      Dani: A happy coincidence, saving her is quite simply a good thing to do… And a way for me to gain something or other (I have a theory).

      Rambull as an organization is an evil beast that could definitely do with slaying, or at the every least violent and heavy-handed trimming. Being in Rambull doesn’t make you evil, but it’s pretty damn close in Durin’s eyes.

      Laeden didn’t choose where he ended up and his mind has obviously been poisoned with lies, but that is his life… And making him give it up isn’t exactly right either. He is deserving of pity in some ways, but he is with the enemy and he does it by his own free will. Even if he was manipulated into being the person that he is. (Bit ironic point of view for Durin, don’t you think? :P)

      Lublei is a traitorous scum on so many levels, Durin wouldn’t know where to begin. He’s betrayed the five and murdered the original leader, manipulated and twisted our families where he wants them. He deserves no mercy, and definitely not a trial. The problem is what we can do about it really, Durin has decided that the quest, the purpose is true… But that Lublei is trying to get whatever is at the end of it for himself, or perhaps get some other ends with mystical evil. He probably wants us to succeed so he can kill us on the finish line.

    • Ankan says:

      I don’t like Melfites methods. Though the goal seem decent enough. I’m weary of him.

      Rambull seem to have attracted the worst kind of people, or just brought fourth the worst. They are the enemy, but there could exist people within the organization that aren’t really the enemy, just with the enemy without knowing better. The world will be a better place without their organization.

      In some ways Laeden is one of us, but he has also been twisted by the Rambulls. In some sense he is another victim. Maybe one of those not knowing better, or someone whose worst parts they have brought out. I think it might be possible to save him though.

      When it comes to Dani she is yet another victim of theirs.

      As Daniel said, Lublei is a real traitor. Not to be trusted in the least, except that he will have his own interest in mind. This likely means that he wants us to succeed with our quest up to some point, but no further. There is the possibility that he just is crazy and is still working for the quest, he just into that “all for the story” thing. But either way, the man is nuts.

      What Melfite said bit quite hard. That our actions and igniting the rebellion will have dire costs. But it still had to be done. Things must change.

      But regarding the quest; it is the quest. It is immutable. It is what so many generations of our ancestors have lived for. Things will change, and we can make everything better if we just complete it.

  6. Rasmus says:

    You know that if the rumours haven’t started amongst the Rambull people, you will be the instigator and the source of the rumours?

    Well, I dont mention it just listen/eavesdrop to them. If they know they would most likely talk about it or among themselves. Just to see if they know about it.

    Don’t know if there is anything I could do about Jinx. Except staying close to “Lord Bullhorn” at all times.

    To all of you;
    What is your opinion and attitude about the whole situation? Melfite, Dani, Rambull, Laeden, Lublei?

    Hugon is determined to push forward, the “rescue” was a success. Lets just continue with the plan. Melfite, Lublei and the troubbles they bring will all be there later. Down with Rambulls!

    • Herid Fel says:

      Well, I dont mention it just listen/eavesdrop to them. If they know they would most likely talk about it or among themselves. Just to see if they know about it.

      They don’t talk about it. They speak about other things of no or little relevance to you.

      Hugon is determined to push forward, the “rescue” was a success. Lets just continue with the plan. Melfite, Lublei and the troubbles they bring will all be there later. Down with Rambulls!

      Hehe, Hugon is high spirited in other words?

  7. Patrik says:

    To all of you;
    What is your opinion and attitude about the whole situation? Melfite, Dani, Rambull, Laeden, Lublei?

    Aedys view of Melfite is almost that of what people usually call a god: Almighty and all-knowning, its scary how often he seems to know things and all information he has given so far has been accurate, so she is pretty amazed and cautious at the same time by this strange being.

    In the current situation she sees this visit from Melfite more of a thing to keep control over his assets(cause thats what we are basically).

    As for Dani, she feels pity for what she has been through and can understand her anger, but if she tries anything towards Laeden, well…

    As for Rambull, well not much love for most of them, their behaviour is so hostile, but some of them are just footmen, the real problem is their leaders and the ones in charge she thinks.

    As for Laeden, its a big mix of different feelings, one is some sort of relief that he is at least alive and seems to have been doing fairly well although living a lie according to her. She dont think they will ever have a good relationship but she hopes they will atleast find some common ground and that he leaves rambulls. And just maybe, just maybe they might have a real heart to heart talk sometime in the future.

    When it comes to Lublei she still have alot of feelings for him, mostly good ones, because he is still the one that raised her and made her into what she is today, she also know about his “fits” and that they must be true, so he should atleast have some sort of feelings and empathy, which makes her feels some sort of sorrow/pity for whatever is haunting him and she hopes one day she might get to know her “father” better. As for the betrayal she isnt very happy about that, but at the same time she cant blame him for it.

    And as for who she sees as her real father its still Lublei, because of the things mentioned above. But she hopes that she can achieve some sort of connection with her real father someday.

  8. Patrik says:

    Just being a good captor will not yield many answers and he will mostly observe and speak only limitedly. He spends most of his time sleeping and maintaining his strength.

    3. The only results you get by the first careful bribing and coaxing is that they are afraid. Some even outright refuses to even hear about it. Something fishy is going on.

    For some reason it would not let me reply any further(I guess there is a limit) so im posting my answers here.

    I think the Aedys realizes that Laeden wont say much about anything for the moment, as Melfite said, it will take time. I guess she will ask him one more thing which he seems to be avoiding and that is my striking resemblance towards my “mother” and I want him to atleast try explaining that to me. I would also like to know more about my mother so I will probably try and get something out of him unless he is a tight lipped about that as axon and lublei.

    as for Nr.3 I think Aedys wont push it any further and is satisfied with knowing that something is fishy, that should mean that some higher ranked people are dealing with it, or maybe its someone that people are afraid of that is dealing with it, maybe that mystic guy. whatever the case is, I think its good enough.

    • Herid Fel says:

      I think the Aedys realizes that Laeden wont say much about anything for the moment, as Melfite said, it will take time. I guess she will ask him one more thing which he seems to be avoiding and that is my striking resemblance towards my “mother” and I want him to atleast try explaining that to me. I would also like to know more about my mother so I will probably try and get something out of him unless he is a tight lipped about that as axon and lublei.

      He is smug and scoffs at your obsession. He says that she was a whore. One he deserved after years of service. She was a human whore, one he picked up on a campaign. Her name was Sandra. And he was not her first nor her last, but she was his first. She was ugly and filthy and weak. She threw herself out from a tower and he himself saw her mutilated corpse. If Aedys is his offspring from that whore, she is a whore, just like her mother.