Weapons and Armours for everyone!

Or not…

Anyway, PB and I have just finished what I planned to do with Weapons and Armours. In the following days I’ll probably also fill the general tab with a general list of different stuffs one can buy as well as almost every item you’ve bought so far.

Anyway, feel free to browse and if you want to buy something specific, write it up on the Shopping List-tab and I’ll make sure it’s met or denied when arc 3 starts.

Here’s a link to the web-page but you’ve also gotten a notice to your various gmail-accounts connected to your characters. Feel free to ask questions about the lists here.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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1 Response

  1. Patrik says:

    Buy some freaking armours!!!!!!! and weapons, cause i wont! bleep i deep.