A push forward

The last session we weren’t that many active players.

Rasmus was away and barely halfway through Ankan decided to go home. But we played anyhow and with the consensus of Ankan I decided to help Ankan and the story on its way by revealing and push thing things into motion.

As a brief summary of what happend during the session; Kailar was somewhat confused as he has lost all his memories and purpose and tried desperately to make sense of things which ended with him aiding Davendithas in his work.

Katja leaves Jupiter with Leom that explains that Jupiter is weak to the imbalance created in the valley. And that he’s being sick by the evil and corruption. She later happens to stumble down into a mysterious cave where she’s trapped until circumstances with Gonlek and Zeons arrival happens to free her from the cave.

Taethilis ia still trying to make sense of the stories hes heard and dechiphers the story book he got from Yvonne. It seems to be a story of Lord and Mayor Timmel and another guy.

Rogark agrees to undergoing Davendithas experiment which makes him end up in the same position as Kailar. He continues to follow inatructions and with some minor aid from Loranys he rediscovera his magical skills and starts practicing.

Other minor, but importat events take place, such as Althuanas attack on Taethilis the night after a sweep of evil fliers attack Immel. But he is saved by Xyrwin and Althuana apprehended. As a result though, Taethilis finds the second piece of the Demon, which in the end makes him ask the demon to take him to the last piece.

Katja gains the aid of Zeon in her quest to save Horkas, but in the end loses him when they are attacked and Zeon critically wounded and infected by evil.

The session ends with Kailar Ki Healing Zeon, restoring him, not only to full health, but also all his true memories…

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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9 Responses

  1. Daniel says:

    Well there’s a few details you left out, like Katja’s narrow escape of being ‘arrested’ when Kailar healed Zeon. When just moments before it sounded like she would be assisted in her quest to rescue Horkas (right? Damn orc animists…). Lending PBs doomsday conspiracy theories even more credence 😛

    There’s also the interesting tidbit that Taethilis had a reunion with his ‘mom’, Shila. Where she told him that Lilja had taken his powers rather than giving up her (supposedly limited) abilities to Taethils. And the solution to the problem is to simply kill Lilja.

    There are also several other minor details but I don’t think you missed anything else terribly interesting.

  2. Herid Fel says:


    Well, well, I left that bit out to give Ankan a surprise of being arrested.

  3. Patrik says:

    Well, except what has already been added I think the session went fairly decent even with just 50% players.

    Oh yeah..I lost a pair of pants again, dont worry though I got some new ones =)

  4. Rasmus says:

    *Rasmus mark of epic and awesomeness, meaning he approves of the story told in his absence.*
    Låter som att vi har ett spännande pass framför oss imorgon.

    • Herid Fel says:


      Jag är dock slut efter en… hyfsat händelserik men händelselös vecka.

      • Patrik says:

        Kan inte påstå att passet igår gick så mycket framåt då så många var incapacitated. Nåja.. hoppas bara vi hinner någonstans och får en decent ending innan Japan, känns som att ofta slutar dessa mini kampanjer väldigt stressigt.

        Hittils känns det inte som om man åstadkommit så värst mycket, och nu är det bara 3 pass kvar… well well

  5. Herid Fel says:

    Kan inte påstå att passet igår gick så mycket framåt då så många var incapacitated. Nåja.. hoppas bara vi hinner någonstans och får en decent ending innan Japan, känns som att ofta slutar dessa mini kampanjer väldigt stressigt.

    True that. Such a shame…

    Well, jag tror jag gjorde det för komplicerat och för mycket folk involverade…

  6. Patrik says:

    Well, jag tror jag gjorde det för komplicerat och för mycket folk involverade…

    Ah jo, är nog så, hade vi haft mer session so, no problems. Men liite för stort skulle jag säga, jag trodde ju att det mesta skulle leda upp mot cheul(?) men det verkar inte vara så, nåja.