A Peak on the Changes

Well, I’m not completely finished with things but here’s a sneak peak on the new character creation. I’ll soon be giving it to all who wants it and to the Beta Testers I’ll give them additional lists which will be kept secret until finalized.

Some notes on changes.

  • Cognition has now changed to Perception this is a more appropriate description of the property I think
  • Cognition is now the second value for Ki. So all Ki Aruhun formulas will soon change to SPI+COG where SPI is the major and COG is the minor1
  • You can from now on only have six Primary Skills and Eight Secondary
  • You can only have Six Languages
  • You can now have up to 18 knowledges.
  • The Charater Creation now includes automatic counting of the Value of the Stress and Resistances
  • You can now, when you create your character buy all your skills, even though I will not allow it in some cases, but we’ll see.

Here you have it!

Thoughts and questions are welcome, but I do not guarantee answers to all your questions. Feedback is most wanted!!

  1. Meaning that when you half a value in a formula, it’ll be COG 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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6 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    Here you have it!.. is that supposed to be accessable? since it aint.

  2. Patrik says:

    Ok, so I have looked through the pdf, and I do have some questions.

    1. Whats a racial quirk? I understand perk and benefit but you will also have quirks? care to give any examples?

    2. I see you added ethnicity as an possible national option, I suppose that is nice and so on? but will it actually give something? will it cost? I mean before you just payed for the nation and you could usually chose ethnicity like marjul/shikar.
    Anyways its an interesting add-on and I approve, just curious.

    3. I also see in base options that you have a maximum put. so… for example if we make characters that have max put of 10 I can pay additional CP to increase this or what?

    4. I suppose perk is also new? When you first mentioned this you said abilities/benefits/deficiencies and I already see benefit and ability listed so what will perk include or do for that matter? Any examples there?

    5. I see you have put back social standing as well, I dont know if I think that is good though, atleast I kind of liked having the option to play a noble for example if it fits the character and background and it feels abit weird getting “punished” CP-wise for this. Unless its a small cost and gives something for it.

    Other than that it looked abit slimmed down and things felt better organized on the sheet.

    • Herid Fel says:

      A quick reply, more tomorrow.

      Quirks = Exclusive deficiency
      Perks = Exclusive ability

      Examples will be given in the documents later. The examples will be work in progress and not even lose to final.

      Put, ethnecity and every thing is controlled by the player unless its a campaign. All things with CP and Cost on the document will cost… ALL.

      Hope this settles some curiosity. More tomorrow.