The Hobo Experiment
I’ve been thinking about doing an experiment…
At first, it would be here in Luleå. Then, if I have the guts and will to do it, I might try this in Japan or somewhere where I cannot cancel it if things get too hard.
Essentially it’s about living as a homeless person. You go out, maybe alone and maybe a couple of people. And you leave all electronics such as cellphones and other fancy stuff at home along with money, food and like everything. And then, only with the clothes you’re wearing (preferably something durable) you go out in the city and you stay out living on the streets with no food, money or shelter for 24 to 48 hours.
The only way you can eat is if you can beg for food or find it somewhere. Or steal it. You cannot go visit someone you know, and you cannot ask someone to pay for you unless this someone is a complete stranger that truly believes you are homeless and you can convince them to treat you a meal.
You sleep outside, and only with what you can find.
I think that an experiment like this would be quite fun and informative.
So now we have summer, anyone up for this crazy stunt in Luleå? Just for 48h?
The hobo experiment.. I really like the title =P, I might be up for something crazy like this, but I do have my dogs to take care of, so weekend would probably be best for me.
For some reason it feels like it should be weirder to do it in your hometown, I mean it would be pretty funny if someone you know would see you begging for some money =D.
One thing I definitely would be up for that we talked about yesterday is hiking, I think that might be fun aswell.