Remember that time when…
… I didn’t fall behind on the blog more than just a couple of days… at most? Remember that? I barely do *Sighs*
With everything that’s been going on since I got together with Louise now half a year ago, things have been kind of hectic. Even though I’m trying I easily fall behind not just a couple of days but whole weeks. Not to mention when I finally catch up I mostly fill things out with rubbish.
Before at least 50-80% of what I wrote here was at least something and some of it quite interesting. Now it’s hard to have that standard. I know how I should do in principle but practice is so much different from a sound principle.
Well, ramblings at least have a more valuable character than total BS, but I think that informative notice posts such as PSN, is actually okay posts. I should write more of these and in general write more small posts with thoughts to rub your thoughts.
I’ve been wondering to write succession posts. With that I mean that as soon as I get an idea or a vague concept of something I should write it, even if I haven’t completely thought it through yet.
In most cases I think it through over and over, and prepare as much as I can before I present the facts, this is partly why the interesting posts fall behind and BS takes it place. But now I think that it’s better to maintain a dialogue with presenting the idea in its conceptual state so things actually happen!
I’ll have to gather it all and sum it up later but hey, that’s what developing Nianze is all about.
Well, well, today we’re going to play. I’ll write more about this in another post, but I’ll try to write as much as possible today, hope you’ll read it.
Best regards,
Herid Fel… now Lost in Time and Space
Well, aslong as something interesting pops up now and then ill continue to read and comment. hopefully less of the “less” posts and rather some BS or just a small ramble. As for informative posts.. well its ok.
hope you get out of Lost in time and Space.. Nianze needs you!
Hehe, well, well. It will be okay in the end.
I feel a great satisfaction of writing posts with value and even more satisfaction when I get feedback. But well, you knew that already.