Escalation of gameplay

I’ve been thinking, or rather as I’ve expressed earlier, I’m meaning to greatly escalate the gameplay of the Triquerta group.

I remembered this yesterday. Last session was not in the right tempo as intended. So after we’ve finished this I will escalate things quite much.

So after this, we’ll go through some real events, and then “finalize” your characters and then end it with a whole-day session finishing the “Youth Part” of your characters with the last and final exam of Immel.

So the coming sessions will be mostly about techniques, training, spells, key-events and then a session which will end your days in school. I will try to do this in a way similar to how you create your character in Mutant Chronicles.

My estimate is that, today’s session excluded we’ll have two more session, and one of them is Immel – Youth Examination.

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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2 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    Well, I dont mind this speed-up, but generally I dont think you should sacrifice possible interesting events and happenings to push the tempo forward.

    But in this case I think this campaign could use it.
    I just hope that our visions this time doesnt turn out like it sometimes happens and becomes the end goal of our characters, atleast for me the vision felt somehow like a breaking point, when our characters were supposed to be “complete” and then start the more free roam/adventure in the wide world.

    Oh well, I think it will work out pretty well anyhow, it usually does.

  2. Herid Fel says:

    Well, I dont mind this speed-up, but generally I dont think you should sacrifice possible interesting events and happenings to push the tempo forward.

    There is always Flashback sessions. But I don’t think there are that many very interesting events left.