Mentalism changes soon!
As you’ve might have noticed (at least I did this when rereading the last post concerning this) I wanted a change in the Mentalist Magic School.
After some more schetching and contemplation, awake and not, I’ve decided on the second option for the school. A system remodelling.
In essence this will change the base spell setup and a little of the ingame think and workings of Mentalism. It will also give Mentalists less direct controll over their spells and school in general but in the same way, the opposite.
The thing which will remove controll is that many factors that in the previous system was possible to control directly, now is merged to the spells own conceptuality. So a spell can do what a Mentalist concieve it does, but not necessarily. In other terms, the fine tuning is gone, instead the will of the mentalist plus unknown factors control this. It will make it easier for a mentalist do do complicated stuff but harder ro predict or prepare for. All the fine tuning is from now on in knowledge only. The more you know, the easier it gets and less risk is asserted.
But in opposition to this a Mentalist can do everything, just he has a clear vision and concept of the spell he wants to create. Even so, it will still take time to do this. Study and develop spells that is.
Well, well, so from an ingame perspective what actually will have been different is pratical method, base spells and their use. And spell grading – which level of difficulty a spell is considered.
Anyhow, more about this later. I’m on a buss on my way to Boden atm, soon there.
Sorry for eventual typos, hard to write a post on a phone.
Interesting, looking forward to seeing how things turn out.
Good, and if any of you have any concerns or thoughts. Ask.