
Well, since the big Sony catastrophe I’ve decided to change my password key, completely. And yes, it’s a good idea to tell everyone this… well, doesn’t really matter as I see it. Ankan can bypass my passwords if he really would want to and hackers doesn’t need much to crack stuff anyway. But maybe things changed since I started with things like that like a hundred years ago…

Well, as usual I will have a level based key but this time it will be even more random and even more complex passwords. As I’ve started to change my passwords I’ve been forced to even make varieties of the same level of password since some places doesn’t agree to special symbols and spaces and shit.

One thing that would be cool is if all password protected stuff could be connected to a control such as the one Swedbank uses, so you enter a code everytime you want a code and vice versa. It would be easier to have it that way and have some form of encryption key and hour-based system to change it. And with letters and signs instead of only numbers.

Well, I’ve started this process but I’m taking it slow. I need to know my passwords too. Can’t just change them without being familiar with them. That would be stupid and lead to annoying mistakes.

One thing is a little bit sad though… I must say farewell to passwords as old as 16-18 years. My first passwords. *Sniff*

Well, well…

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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2 Responses

  1. Ankan says:

    That is, something like this:

    A bit overkill though. All you need is a password keep of some kind with encrypted passwords. Just randomize the passwords and never learn them. This gives you one unique password for each site and such.

    Just set a password you know for your mail and you can recover all other passwords if you ever were to loose your keep.

    Worried about using passwords on other machines? Just make sure you can access stuff from your phone.

    But one thing is sure, stay the hell away from online storage of passwords… Guess what site is most likely to be attacked and has been?

  2. Herid Fel says:

    But one thing is sure, stay the hell away from online storage of passwords… Guess what site is most likely to be attacked and has been?

    Yes, that’s for sure.

    But as far as I’ve heard Sony was attacked due to aggrevating hackers trying to make pirating possible for PS3.