
Back to Arcadia for the group and everything is peaceful and quiet and back to normal… or is it?

Many things changed after the return one more remarkable than the next. Promotions, tests, and back to school. Even so the setting is still in the making and a new NPC have even appeared on the stage.

This will change many things and it will come back. Some of you think it might come back and bite you in the ass, while others just think it will be a nice quirk. I think it will be an interesting twist, but it’s hard to say where this will really end though. I’m not sure how it will affect things but it will. I have some different future options and plots in mind but all in all it’s kind of a fun thing to have, a joker card to change the game drastically with just small moves.

Anyhow from this point it will be more encounters during the years. Some encounters will be brief other long and extended. But most of your regular classes will be largely ignored. Of the requested skills you mentioned, some of them will be accommodated to you, others will have to fall behind later. Some I will make a twist for you in the story so you can logically learn them and so on. Anyhow it will more focus on the more interesting points and trying to jump quite a lot, with exceptions for longer events that I will plan. Also I will try to implement things from your vision. I suggest that both you and I read your visions1 thoroughly and tries to think of the points made so we are prepared and can make progress towards the goal in the vision.

Well, well…


  1. Your own, in your case 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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2 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    Well, I think things will get more interesting now than last time on Arcadia, looking forward to the next session.

  2. Daniel says:

    Here’s to hoping there’ll be time to play this week 😛

    Personally I’ve been reading the vision to remind myself of stuff continiously since we started, your suggestion is noted however.