
On the morning of the Anime Show I felt okay. I’d considered myself back to a fairly good health again and when I rose around 7 to make my way to the show nothing seemed wrong…

But alas that was not the case. In the beginning I just felt a mild pounding headache and I often just ignore headaches because I feel like they are most in your head. Most headaches are actually and become a lot more irritating if you focus on them or acknowledge them. I tend to simply ignore them and then they simply go away unless they are real. When I ignored this headache though I became a little bit light headed. I still didn’t put much thought into it and continued with the show.

It wasn’t much to do though, since I’ve made the shows a lot more informal than they’ve been. The One-Days are from now one Member Shows with more focus on the social interactions with the members present and stuff like that. So thanks to this most worked itself out. But around noon my coughing and become worse as well. Not to mention that I’d started to feel a faint fever. This did not make me pleased. I thought though that it would go away, I mean after all I was sick Friday to Wednesday. Why would I’ve been almost well for two days and then relapse back into sickness?

But whatever the reason, which I suspect is mine and Louise’s trip up to Snake Hill1 to ski, the cross-country style, I was soon back into full fever. Maybe not as high as it was last weekend but around 38 at least. This made a lot of things hard. Even so I managed to hold an annual meeting for WANO and have things going until the end which was a little bit early but still not too early. And thanks to Emil Hedemalm we had a car. That made everything so much easier. I am deeply grateful for his help, and Ankan’s as well during the meeting.

Anyhow me and Drak went back to my place and it wasn’t soon before a sick Herid and a tired Drak was sleeping soundly.

  1. Ormberget 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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3 Responses

  1. Drak says:

    It is nice that you needed to sleep before me for once. 😛