Session Plan

My session plan right now is almost set. After the impulsive but fairly good ‘make-up session’ I’ve gotten what I wanted. A more clear setting and scenery and most important of all; direction!

The group is frankly too big and unfocused to seriously play in this environment. At least in details. I could jump more but for this to be possible I really need more threads that are already in motion. Less improvisation and questions and more just continue and see how things develop. Therefore the temporary split is necessary.

The next sessions;

The next two sessions will cover the basics of Magic and the three schools and their arcane masters and some light lore. It will also include your characters first step to control their magic and being able to use it at will. I will also expand the areas of Arcadia and hopefully elaborate the social circles. I also know I will imprint the heraldic of the Mages in Arcadia on you. Time to become real apprenticies!

The next two sessions will cover the routine of the Warrior training for Magical Guards. I will introduce Zeon more and some other members of the platoon and their trainers. I will also introduce Linhi/Andreas to the holy ways and their works with lore and the like. I will also on the later session introduce the choices and differences of the two different directions possible to choose as a Magical Guard.

As it seems now, it might take a little while to begin. I might increase sessions if I have time or I might decrease sessions and try to fit everything in one. None the less this is my estimate and plan for the moment. I will try to elaborate them later for myself as a session plans.

I might write more detailed information here on the blog so I can lessen the information I give on the sessions. Or I will try to mix it and write something and have a “lesson” taken from the text I write and then post the text so you can read it again yourself. Anyhow, it all depends on my will, energy and time.

It was a good call to have a session tonight if you ask me.

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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4 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    Well, I agree it was a good call to have a session tonight, although abit messy with the shifting and such but nevertheless I had fun atleast =)

  2. Herid Fel says:

    Well, I agree it was a good call to have a session tonight, although abit messy with the shifting and such but nevertheless I had fun atleast =)

    The original plan was to only have one group there, but in the end I brought everyone there.

  3. Daniel says:

    I also fairly enjoyed it, and I agree that a split is a good idea, if maybe a bit unfortunate in some ways. I feel a bit bad for the defenders being left out so much.