Another drop-out
Rasmus have decided to drop-out from the group as well. WoW has taken him plus he’s lost some motivation due to the downtime. But maybe he’ll be back in the future, who knows?
Anyhow, this means that The Eye group is reduced to one player. Tatsuo is still available in hiatus. This greatly complicates things.
It complicates things so much that I’ve decided to erase some things. The past sessions with Morlug and this adventure, hasn’t happened. It’s the easiest and best explanation. Otherwise too much effort would go out as a story without players. This I will not allow.
But the group have a problem now.
Anyway, let’s say good bye to our young padawan and hope he’ll return in the future when the Goulasch has run out…
Meh!…so what now?