250 Days of Play!
I’ve now recorded around 250 days of play!!!
I have sorted a little through the files today and found out that from the 31st of May 2008 to this day I’ve recorded OVER 250 sessions. I’m currently only counting the folders and some folders have two groups on them (day sessions and evening sessions).
Counting the times when I haven’t been able to record and times when I simply just haven’t recorded anything it should be almost 300 days of play. I don’t know how many hours/days we have played but at least we have had around that number of sessions since I got all weird from my first trip to Japan and decided to change everything.
Well, a lot has happened since then.
The total amount of bytes is, by the way, a little over 20 gig divided over 3743 files.
Hehe, yeah well. when you think about it.. thats really ALOT of time =), doesnt feel like that much though, somethings feel like they happened yesterday sometimes.