WANO is mine again!
Not that this was any great news, everybody knew that I still had the power to control and take over when I wanted. Nobody is in WANO right now that would even like or have a good reason to resist me returning to what I once created.
The proceedings went fine and I won with a rock slide. I got a good team even though I’m a little bit sceptic to the younger new flesh that’s entered the board of WANO. None of them has ever been in WANO’s board before and some of them seem quite childish. My biggest concern right now is a guy named Mikael Alm Fjällborg who seems to be… over energetic without any real power behind his words. He might be one of those forum guys who writes a lot and is overly dedicated but deeply lacking in skill. I hope this isn’t the case and even so he seems to be easy to teach since he is so dedicated.
I tend to change WANO but this time I do not tend to do it all myself, rather the opposite. I do not have the time nor energy to do as much I did before so this time I will be assigning tasks to people like a mad dog in berserk on a killing spree. I know what I want and mostly how to deal with it and I only tend to do the most important stuff and to show my face where it matters and use my tongue and manipulation skills to WANO what I want it to have.
One thing I would like is to make WANO interesting for older people as well and beneficial to be member in. So I ask you, PB, Daniel, Ankan and yes even Junior even though he seems to largely be ignoring everything I want recently in his rebellion against me1; What would make an association and a event such as the Anime Shows interesting to you? With the exception of the setup of the programs? Prizes? Special kind of events? What benefits would you like to have. Simply put, what would make WANO interesting to you and people like you?
I will not force you people to have anything to do with WANO but I would like you to want to be part of and somehow sometimes enjoy and become members and take part of the benefits WANO has and will provide.
Best Regards,
Herid Fel
=P ↩
From what I’ve heard about this is that I really don’t know much about WANO as such… The only real activity that I am aware of is the periodic Anime Shows at Kronan, which I have considered going to more than once but elected not to/forgot about it for various reasons.
The one reason for me to get involved with the association is to meet people and maybe find a new fun passtime or social circuit in which to involve myself. From what I’ve heard about it, it does sound pretty good anyway, I just wouldn’t go there for the anime in itself. Personally I’m more interested in the discussions and social activities surrounding the whole thing.
That’s all I got, hope it’s useful.
Most people showing up on the shows are mostly just socializing in the foyer so well. Though we need some more people there to make it more interesting and less… as it is.
Well, if we are gonna exclude what the anime schedule has in store, I would say that, atleast for me I think it would be something like maybe a special offer or something.
Prizes might be one thing, another might be some sort of special membership offer, like paying a membership fee(I dont know if wano even has membership things) and you might get into the shows for free or at a reduced prize.
Another thing might to change days of the show(if its a 1-day show that is) to fridays maybe or sundays. I know fridays might not be that good but yeah, just putting it out there.
Those few times I have been there its mostly been people hanging in the foyer and mostly just sitting there and talking, which is nice somewhat I guess but I guess some more engaging events could be something.
I know when ive been there people have been ordering food, I guess that could be something, free food unless thats something that already is done. But maybe that would be too expensive for Wano.
For me I guess what would make the anime show more interesting is actually more events than just watching anime and talking in the foyer and maaabye some occasional art contest. Because sitting and watching anime for a whole day might get abit tiring especially when you have either seen the anime already or its not an anime you might even consider watching otherwise.
I’m not really sure what would convince me to come. Lately I’m actually not that into manga/anime/etc./etc. It has been a long while since last time I watched something like that.
But you know me, I don’t much enjoy parties and such things. Though there are exceptions when it is closely tied to other areas of interest or includes people I actually like spending time with.
But I might drop by on impulse some day.
Much of what you’ve mentioned is already present around WANO even though they completely stopped with membership benefits and reduced prices years ago. Members now mostly just get the mail, which as far as I know weren’t sent other than to inform them of shows.
Having evening shows have been one of the old ideas but that would cost too much. Having shows on a friday also is not a good idea since the show logically can start earliest at 18:00 during regular weeks and then it would logically stop quite early. The price for 6 hours or even 9 is the same as 24 which indeed is quite a short time for an animeshow. Having shows on Sundays too is limiting since people are getting up early the day after plus when it comes to transportation Sundays suck and also when ordering food this is not ideal. The idea has been up and forfeited so it’s not new, but very old. If WANO would have had their own locale it would have been a completely other thing.
Right now WANO sells fast-food noodles and home baked cookies and stuff plus soft drinks and the like. Including Tea and coffee. If WANO were to GIVE 60 people food it would cost over 4000 kr and it WOULD be a lot of problems. Transporting, storage, materials, cooking. IF we were to order food it would also be a cost around 4-10k. WANO cannot afford things like that and aren’t supposed to do that either. We are supposed to be earning as much as we spend, not loose more than we can possibly can accumulate. Selling more stuff with more substantial energy might work and we’ve done this. But giving away food, no convention have done this to that extent you suggest. Because it would be sheer stupidity.
More events is a given. Right now they vary from having art contest and TV-game contest and there are prizes to win. Some of them they ordered from my when I were in Japan. More events is a plan I have already sat in motion. But what kind of events are you thinking about?
Well, all in all, everything you ask is there, but could be improved and will be improved.