The Eye – 2×12 – A Death Trap IV

Ankan have declared that he cannot play during daytime this Sunday for reasons of his own. We however will play during that time. I will, as I promised in the end of last session put him out of action in one way or another making his re-entrance possible at any time he might come back. The thing I will do though is something I had planned for later, but it’s possible to give you a hint and a warning in what to expect with this, beware.

As in the previous post things are hard to speed up. Part of this reason is to keep a realistic track of everything and make it fit together nicely. As some of you might have read in the Event Calendar, Robin will change his tactics. To preserve time I will give you a hint of this tactic now.

When you return to camp you will mend your wounded and Robin will initiate an hours rest plus lay up a new strategy. He will try to get something important out of the Priest even though the priest will most likely not have anything essential to say. He will then turn to the topic of the unknown factor of the undead lord with blue life energy to try to figure out what’s going on here and why everything is so fucked up. He will though declare that most of this was expected. He will then lay up different tactics in which you might precede one including something very dangerous for Kakil.

Hearing of the seal on the gates and the ghosts he will quickly determine that this needs to be taken care of, and quickly without too much force being applied and as much energy being saved as possible. Since ghosts are practically impossible to fight with normal means and weapons he will suggest that a party of four will be doing this. Taking out the source of the ghosts.

The second thing he knows you need to do is finding and breaking the seal on the gate. Since its form is a lock it must be a key that is the enchanted second part of it. Though there might be another way around this. Here he says he has an optional additional dangerous task for Kakil. To penetrate the barrier and go through it and try to find something from the other side and also to scout the area ahead to prepare them for what’s coming. This though will be very dangerous for her. She can though choose not to go with that and instead help to find the evil key, since she should be able to feel it easier.

The third thing they need to do is to deal with all the undead. This though is a relatively easy task. They only need to do some of following options; completely destroy the bones of the skeletons, destroying a skeleton enough times so it’s bones will be to damaged to reanimate themselves or somehow turn them of evil. Kakil can be used for this if she wants to practice what they did earlier.

On the first task, the one to seek out and kill the ghosts he decides that a healer is useless. All the damage they will take will be mostly superficial if they aren’t stupid or soul damage which a healer can’t heal anyway. What they need to do is to maximize their output destructive force and destroy the source. For this he assigns himself, Jens and Owenalh. He should be able to protect Jens and Owenalh while they use their magic.

On the second task to breaking the seal of the gate he is sure it could only be hidden inside the barrier. It could either be dug down into one of the graves, put into the cottage or inside the crypt which he thinks is a better place. It’s a closed space and he is sure a lot of undead and horrible creatures of undead is down there. The team going to find the key is Ivan, Langler and Jake and if Kakil doesn’t want to go scouting ahead she can come with them too. He would actually recommend that for her, but gives her the choice of going brave instead into unknown territory.

Doken and Mio will have the chore, to destroy undead and keep them from everybody else. Dig them up and burn them if they have to. But Doken is the one best armoured and Mio has good attacks to protect them with both her clones and her small flute. Plus they are both quite enduring and can withstand a lot. Together they should be able to decrease the number of roaming undead.

The main objective is the seal is something Robin stresses. If help is needed, they should be able to get it from all other parties with exception of Kakil which has her standing orders. But if she chooses to help with the seal she is to listen to either Robin or the group leader at the moment, depending on who is present.

You haven’t seen the last of the Blue Lord though. And let’s see if Owenalh can give you an explanation to what has blue light. It will all depend on a roll. And I will only give him one roll to know this; if he fails he will never know this under this scenario. But he will oh so want to know. And as stated, it’s a weaker lord than a Necromancer, but still a formidable force and most troublesome. And in this place you will find both a Necromancer and this mystical being, not to mention the vampires. All in all, the adventure has five different kinds of undead lords present. The total number though is something you’ll have to see for yourself.

Good Luck!
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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3 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    Well, all options sounds exciting actually but I will ponder on them tonight and tomorrow and hopefully have some quick answers unless you want them already here.

    I think Kakil would actually want to try that command undead thing again aswell, but I guess there wont be time for everything, didnt even get time to check that royal graveyard 🙁

    Going brave into an unknown territory sounds interesting but kind of foolish unless there is some additional bonus involved.

    As for the question about tempo and such in the last post ill just add it here instead: I think it would have been better to somehow just visualize the situation and depending on some choices it would have been some sort of outcome(cc loss,sc etc) I think that would have gone much quicker, rather than having an whole session on fighting random skeletons.

  2. Herid Fel says:

    As for the question about tempo and such in the last post ill just add it here instead: I think it would have been better to somehow just visualize the situation and depending on some choices it would have been some sort of outcome(cc loss,sc etc) I think that would have gone much quicker, rather than having an whole session on fighting random skeletons.

    If you read what I wrote. That wouldn’t have been the case. I’m quite sure that if it would have saved some time, it would have been 20 minutes tops. And the skeletons are not random. They are what makes things hard here. They come in hordes even though they are quite weak and easy to defeat. Now trying to think of it closer, I think that it would even have taken longer to fight the skeletons PLUS I am sure that more damage would have came upon the group.

  3. Patrik says:

    Well, yes thats what make the situation hard, that its draining and such but its still no skeletons in particular therefore random skeletons, it will be encounters like this abit here and there I suspect and if we are going to play all of them on mats it will take longer time, atleast it should.

    Oh well, looking foward to sunday anyway.