Monthly Archive: August 2010
Vampire Troubles
It seems that the group has finally been caught up by Katherine’s vampire problem. Sooner or later we all knew this would happen.
Events Calendar Fixed-ish
Well, they came with a patch pretty quickly which makes it possible to see events on the Events Calendar again. The same flaw still applies though, you cannot see the days that have events...
The Fourth Temple – Anubis
As some of you might remember, I said that we should play Anubis again sometime in a what-if mini-campaign only playing that specific dungeon. With Jake, Souichirou, Violet, Devon Biggs, Ace and Erion. If...
Grattis Junior!!
Grattis Junior på sextonårsdagen! Önskar Herid Fel mfl. GULASCH!1 Yeah, yeah, I know you think me predictable, but whatever to keep you happy ↩
Inköp av dator – Lösning i sikte
Nu är det ju så att Linsuss har börjat sjunga om att dö och hon är mer och mer odräglig för var dag som går. Dock så har det visat sig på mötet att...
HDDs on their way!
Today I got money and after paying two late rents I decided to order two 2TB HDDs. So soon I will update the server with 200%. This is a short notice post, posted from...
They Are Coming To Take Me Away
PB asked for this so what the hell… a few different versions included.
ADS’s First Blood
The first character has died in A Dark Sea now. Tocke was, as before, the first one to die in my group. His choice though was excellent even though it was hard to avoid...
RPG Notice
Jag har inte förberett allting till Ögat Hoppet som skall ske men jag har börjat strukturera det mesta i mitt huvud.
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