Vampire Troubles – The Resolution

The group didn’t wipe… but almost. Well, all in all I’m fairly satisfied with the results even though some things were really unexpected and somewhat… bad.

Foppa died, he barely survived one session with his new character before his head was ripped of by the Vampire. Most of us agree to that his choices were kind of weird in some places even though in the moment of death there were a very select few things he could have done. Anyhow, I didn’t see any way to save him so I guess his character instead could be a reborn one later (about a century into the future) or just a dud.

PB died as well, but not a final death like Foppa but rather a rebirth of another kind – a vampire resurrection. So finally PB will be able to return as a female fucking vampire to bitch around with. Yatta… or something. It will complicate things but all that has happened actually makes your group closer to special thus closer to becoming something more than just regular Eye Soliders. Jens’s battle wounds, his future mechanical leg, Katherine’s turning into a creature of the dark and Tatsuo’s despair and continuous failures. Not to mention Owenalh’s magical advancements, Mio’s strange behaviorisms and appearances and Doken’s blunt but uplifting character. The group is becoming what groups of heroes finally becomes, odd, unique and misfits with a history of betrayal, tragedy and violence.

It sounded almost like Foppa didn’t know if he would return anytime soon with a new character and if this is the case then I’ll have to introduce at least one new NPC now and most likely one more later. It all depends on how the development of the team goes and what decisions people take in the future.

I’ve charged Daniel with writing a report from Tatsuo’s perspective on the events that happened in the Mine. If you however want to tell everything you and Jens knew that happened precicely as you remember it, you don’t need to write it. If you though decide to go with the Vampire’s suggestion I need your formulation. You’ll get 50 additonal credits beyond the regular amount you’ll get for the clearing of the Quest.

Well, well… tonight ADS, must finish the planning. I think it will be a short session with much talk. Kind of like the session when you traded your skills and knowledge’s with Xiv in exchange for protection and information.

Best Regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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1 Response

  1. Patrik says:

    I guess its true we really look like a weird bunch now, but I think things are atleast starting to get abit more interesting and people will now have a chance to develop further and aim for their goals.

    For me? well I have to come up with some new goals and stuff but it will be fun and interesting.