ADS’s First Blood

The first character has died in A Dark Sea now. Tocke was, as before, the first one to die in my group. His choice though was excellent even though it was hard to avoid a certain death. I tried to put Ronald into action there to save him, indirectly but I wasn’t on time since he spoke to the creature.

Well, Tocke will return, most likely on the next session. Things will turn out for the better now when Xiv has your souls to use to help y’all. Now though is also where all the hard parts start too. The challenge and the real initiation of the Xin Society. And as always, if Ronald dies, the Campaign is forfeit. Everything that has happened so far, will be erased and the campaign will have to start over again. All characters created will also be forfeit, you cannot replay your characters in this campaign if a reset were to be initiated.

Well, I didn’t expect this, but it was a good choice non the less. And also it might be a hint of what Exile is really all about. Where is the invisible line between the evil and the darkness which lurks on this horrible island? And what the heck happened to allow the Xin to be created? What is behind all of this which history has set in motion?

Well, time will tell. Let the Dark Tale continue until Ronald or everyone dies.

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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