About ADS

Well, about ADS, the campaign is going forward and things are proceeding well I think. The campaign is quite interesting so far and we have started to pick up some speed which is good. It seems to me that campaigns such as these easier picks up speed than a free-roaming campaign. That might be a sign…

As it looks right now the three players, Cerilion, Ghan and Lainathiel1 and the NPC Ronald – the key character of the campaign – is moving along the campaign and at the same time defining the campaign for future players. They have just recently had their first encounter with a Xin’Ar even though it was brief and full of terror and fear. They walked away unharmed, or relatively unharmed since their sanity took the fall.

There is a loot of sanity rolls involved in this campaign as expected but even though the majority is going down I think I see some positive connections starting to form as well. PB just have had some bad luck but it seems it’s starting to turn around now.

I must commend Danne and PB though, but mostly Danne. Both has tried harder to express feelings and add more “feel” to their characters during the campaign which I wish is something you’ll continue with in The Eye-group as well. I see it mostly from Danne but since PB seems to be more laid back in the group for the moment and in RPG in general I can’t say if he tries as much or if he’s just tired.

One thing I’ve noticed though is that PB seems to relax a little since Tocke is a very dominant player and person. I think that due to the group dynamic amongst my standard players PB is mostly the one driving the group forward. Now with another driving the group forward it feels like PB is more enjoying the ride and letting Tocke hold the reins. I expected this, but I didn’t expect that PB would really go as far as he has right now. But then again, he might just be tired; it’s hard for me to tell since I can’t know everything about my players.

Best Regards,
Herid Fel

  1. Tocke, Danne and PB 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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1 Response

  1. Patrik says:

    Well, first of all I think Tocke is a great player and gives more motivation to me anyways and since he is very driving it creates opportunities to react/act so thats nice.

    Other than that I like the campaign, which also is abit of a motivation plus.

    And as for me I guess its a bad mix of both(tired and laid back) so I guess I will try to get my game up so to speak(in both groups).

    Havent been going very well in rpg for awhile, but I guess its just to try and work it out, at the moment im still not that satisfied with Katherine in comparison to Lainathiel.