Three Years Blogging!

It’s been three amazing years blogging! Can you believe it? About three years ago I decided to create a blogg in the dead of night when Mattias Åström lived here. Well, he left around now and then we started on the campaign known as Trizon.

Well, three years, it barely feels like it. And only four years ago around this time Daniel came down to Luleå for the first time to play RPG with us and he created his Mage Lei who is renowned.

I just think it’s noteworthy!

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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2 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    Hehe, yeah, think it was a very good move, even though the activity has had its ups and downs.

  2. Herid Fel says:

    In addition the 6th of June is also the date when I arrived to Sweden and Luleå for the very first time now 19 years ago.