Ramble LVII
I think that the session we played this evening went okay, it really felt like we’re making progress and getting somewhere. It’s strange how long it takes to ‘get going’ with characters in a free-roam campaign like this I think.
Even though most of you still seem to have troubles figuring out your characters – how to act, what to do and so on – I still felt that things have started rolling for most of you as well. You could view the part of the hike we played as one of the initial activities with the group which you should soon be quite closely acquainted to even though you might not like each other.
You will cooperate on missions and on most things on larger scales. The smaller missions, quests and assignments you’ll probably do on your own. These are your comrades for the next seven to eight ranks in The Eye, assuming that you have any interest and ambition to improve or rise any further in the organization.
Anyway, I’ve spoken a little with Ankan and due to personal reasons he’s decided to lay RPG on the shelf indefinitely. Rokash will leave the Team for an unknown reason which shall not be discussed in or out of game. Your team will then now only be three people if nothing happens in the future. I might use, as in the second team, the last spot your team for new team members later on when you’ve risen through the ranks and gotten to know other members of The Eye. Anyway, it will be an opening of sorts for the future.
Right now your squad has the space for one more team of 3-4 members and each team now has one spot vacant. Though depending on how well your teams work together (within the teams) the teams might stay to only three members forever. Additions to a good working team is seldom done if there isn’t any need to do so or if a new recruit really needs a team to join. But then again that’s only in most cases, and some cases are less than normal so who knows.
If I’m happy enough, there might be a session tomorrow evening (no whole-day session). Then we’ll play The First Squad Quest with Robin. What I can tell you right now is that Robin has gotten a pretty routine quest and your two teams are brought along to learn as well as to put your abilities to the test. Robin will be the main actor but he will ask all of you to perform tasks as well as have private conversations with you. If I’m really, really, really happy or if you give me reason enough you can get a whole-day session.
If that were to happen I really, really need for you to not mess up my place as much as you’ve done the last couple of times. This especially concerning Daniel who like to spread his shit around his chair and when you bring forth your food. I don’t want to clean up after you each time we’ve played a session. It’s starting to become annoying to know that even if I’ve cleaned just moments before I let you in, you’ll take about 20 minutes to mess it up which for me would take about at least one day but usually around two to three days. If this keeps up I must forbid you all to eat anything I don’t serve you here.
About my criticism the last session you can listen to what you wants to listen to. I don’t have any expectations and only voices some small complaints but I have no need for you to do anything against this. I will just bring the session forward no matter what unless something goes against the nature of my world. It’s up to you to play and develop your character now. I only care to make progress and getting stimulated.
Best Regards,
Herid Fel
Well, one reason for whole days is that it usually gets more things done, and leaves some time and space for some more social acts without them taking up the whole session.
four hours sometimes feels like very short sessions, usually the time slips away pretty quick, but anyhow a session is only good if you are up for it aswell so I guess we will see tomorrow then.
And about last session, well I guess it went “ok” but I cant say im very fond of these forced teambuilding session, a fully social session is totally ok if there is some sort of more interesting event, that gets people going or a more specific setting, first ADS session was pretty much social but it was a blast in comparison.
And yes i know its up to us to make a situation like that interesting, but it still feels pretty forced to sit in a clearing in the forest trying to pump up loyalty, works much better in a flowing enviroment(atleast for this group).
Anyways im up for whole-day or just evening whichever happens, if anyone of them happens.
Err yeah, whats that thing on the calendar, “Beta testing” on sunday, wanna share any thoughts about that? “So far I have no decided topic for the day. If you have any requests, let me know.” elaborate
The former group known as “The Eye” has been renamed to Beta Testing. I used the same term last time when only you and Rasmus attended. And with “no decided topic” I mean I have nothing planned for this weekend’s session thus leaving it open for suggestions depending on what is interesting to you.
Err, yea… I wish I had noticed this earlier so I could have gone to bed earlier 😛
Well I’m up for a session tomorrow anyway.
Well, I’m sorry if I left a mess but I didn’t notice anything, I would have cleaned it up if I did.
The criticism was welcome anyway, as far as I’m concerned.
You have not convinced be about a whole day session. Thus nothing of that kind will be held. I’ll send you all an SMS if a session at all will be held.