Travel Journal – Wednesday 28/4 – 2010

Fevers, Sesshin and sleep…

Well today started pretty bad. We woke around 7 to prepare to go to the last Temple visit on the big day and all. But we both had fevers. I had already felt a mild fever the day before when we ware sitting by the computers and it had gotten worse and obviously Drak too had caught it.

After a somewhat painful breakfast Drak decided to stay home. I wanted to stay home but at the same time I wanted to see what was so special about today plus what this mysterious Sesshin Training was that we had heard so lot about. That plus I didn’t want to disappoint Miiko so I went alone instead.

The ceremony was very different from before. There were a lot of drumming, I saw the leader of the cult, and there was a lot of special shit too where they lit a fire inside and did a Fire Purification Ritual with about twice or thrice the amount of chanting as usual. After that and some talking by the leader and priest it was over.

After this was the infamous Sesshin Training. This unfortunately was just what I feared it would be. I won’t go on for great length about it but it was mostly the spiritual thing when a medium talked to my ancestors and relayed what they wanted to say in very vague words and terms that could have been matched to almost everyone, especially if you believed in them. I though am a sceptic and couldn’t really see anything that told me anything nor did it fit on me.

After this Miiko dragged me around until the fever was so high I almost couldn’t stay away or focus on her words anymore and I excused myself instead.

The rest of the day both Drak and I slept, slept, and slept. I think at least I slept for about 15 hours in a row or maybe even more before I woke up again the next day, which I will, by the way, skip in this journal since we have done NOTHING. Other than to sleep and recover today.

Best Regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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