The Upcoming Group III

The last post has started to become long so I think I’ll part it again into a third part.

This part though will be dedicated to character details and proposition.

So far the group is the following;


A human female warrior with skilled from Meno.


A human Norki druid from Deben.


A human Shikár tekkan from Taraien.

I will fill in with more as you give me information and things get more concrete and decided. Things you are sure you’re finished with I’ll put up here.

Best Regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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40 Responses

  1. Herid Fel says:

    I’ve now checked your Character Creation Ankan.

    I’m impressed by the balance you’ve succeeded with.

    The only thing I can point out right now is that you’ll get Derakon RW for free (Your WIT is high enough, just put – in the box).

    The only thing though I’m thinking about is; are you going to be without Techniques? I would recommend that you save in some points and try to think about techniques (both existing as well as not yet existing) that you might need.

  2. Ankan says:

    Concerning techniques, I left them out since I didn’t have information enough. The idea was to save in some points later. And it is later now, so I’ll brainstorm some ideas but some of these actually fit into what I already expect from my skills. We’ll see what I take and how much it will cost and adjust the other points as necessary.

    Impale – As someone is charging up against you to attack, hold up the spear and impale them. Maybe combine with holding up the shield between you to get some more defensive power in there. My thoughts about this one is that the enemy must move atleast one square towards you before the attack for this technique to be usefull. The basic idea was to pin the spear against the ground and point it towards a charging enemy, but mine are way too small for that as I have thought of them. (Could be useful as another technique, or a more powerful version of the same.)

    Throw weapon – I should already have this from my levels in thrust weapons. Right?

    Shield bash – Hit the opponent with the shield, blunt thing, maybe they stagger back and are a bit dazed. At closer consideration, I don’t know if this is for me. I was thinking about using quite light and small shields made of hides and stuff.

    Maybe feint, critical strike (?, “dödligt anfall”?).

  3. Jun-kun says:

    Rasmus wrote this in a mail;
    Det här är Lars, en människa från nord-östra Katia. Han har brunt hår och lider av heterokromi, ena ögat är Katianskt brunt men det andra är Menariskt blått. Hans ansikte är slitet och under hans ögon har huden blivit mörk av alla de timmar sömn som han har mist då han har tänkt ut nya uppfinningar. Genom åren har Lars blivit beroende av sömn tabletter och smärtstillande piller och diverse passande droger. Lars hår är Svart med en viss grönaktig nyans, som han färgar för att han tycker att det passar honom.

    Well…Jag plockar bara första bästa sak ur huvudet. Men det jag tänkte mig än så länge är typ en addict som spenderade större delen av sin ungdom begravd i böcker och studerade Mekanik, alkemi och medicin. Kan även ha sökt kontakter för att nå lite mer förbjuden utbildning och mer ortodoxa metoder. Och han försöker att visa hur “galen” han är med sitt utseende.

    Men angående ortodoxa metoder så är du ju ändå bara liksom frowned uppon eller det som skulle fungera i ögat. Om man säger att han är som en Grey Warden I DA, Att man söker makt vars man än kan för att bli kraftig nog att nå sitt slutgilitga mål.

    Annledning till att han har gått med i ögat kan ju också vara det att han har skuldsatt sig eller hamnat i dålig dager med några och söker refugee.

  4. Herid Fel says:

    Till Rasmus
    Det är ett gott grundkoncept tror jag även om lite utveckling och bearbetning behövs. Lars verkar även vara en bra motvikt i denna grupp tror jag.

    Jag undrar, skall din karaktär vara Striker? Om han är Striker hade du tänkt att han är Striker Born (Alltså en som ärvt en stabil version av förmågan från sina föräldrar) eller är han en Induced Striker (en som tagit någon utav drogerna)?

    Med tanke på alla andras koncept och nivåer så skulle en Induced Striker fungera bra för dig. Exempelvis att denne Lars har försökt att experimentera med Striker Drogen för att göra den stabilare och kraftigare och sedan använt dig på sig själv men ändå fått vissa bieffekter som smärtorna och hans två färgade ögon (med tanke på att klar, klar blå ögon är något som i princip bara Ki Strikers har). Dock är det bara ett förslag på ett alternativ för dig.

    Vad du sedan menar med ortodoxa metoder är ju rätt så viktigt att veta med tanke på att vissa ortodoxa metoder ses som rent evil medan andra ses som något nödvändigt ont. I Ögat tar dom emot de mesta som kan visa sig fungera och som är speciellt men är du ond, som i ond, så kan du riskera att istället gå till din död. Ondska i en allt för uppenbar och ren form är ju inte uppskattat då Ögat slåss mot ondska. Så där får du nog utveckla litet.

    Alla anledningarna fungerar ju, du får själv tänka efter varför och så. Men jag kan komma med feedback på dina funderingar för varför du är i Ögat. Ögat är som sagt en stor organisation och om du läser den senaste posten så kommer du ju förstå även ungefär vilka som är tillåtna och vad det innebär. Kanske det kan ge dig lite idéer?

  5. Herid Fel says:

    Impale – As someone is charging up against you to attack, hold up the spear and impale them. Maybe combine with holding up the shield between you to get some more defensive power in there. My thoughts about this one is that the enemy must move atleast one square towards you before the attack for this technique to be usefull. The basic idea was to pin the spear against the ground and point it towards a charging enemy, but mine are way too small for that as I have thought of them. (Could be useful as another technique, or a more powerful version of the same.)

    I really liked that idea. It could easily be applied for your character as well as for more powerful versions of it. There is a special kind of unarmed fist technique in reality that I know that works in a similar way. I will create this technique and it will not cost more than 50 CP, most probably a lot less.

    Throw weapon – I should already have this from my levels in thrust weapons. Right?

    This is correct.

    Shield bash – Hit the opponent with the shield, blunt thing, maybe they stagger back and are a bit dazed. At closer consideration, I don’t know if this is for me. I was thinking about using quite light and small shields made of hides and stuff.

    This technique exist and it is indeed for you. The size of the shield doesn’t matter. Nor that it is of leather. It’s an opportunistic technique meant to provide a hole in the opponents defence or to increase the chances of defeating your opponent. I would recommend it for you if you are to fight with a shield. It costs below 50 CP as well.

    Maybe feint, critical strike (?, “dödligt anfall”?).

    Feint is possible, costs 25 CP. Critical Strike though costs 300 CP, so that’s up to you if you want it.

    Feint increases the chances to hit your opponent, especially if he’s in a defensive stance.

    Critical Strike is applied before your attack and if you succeed with your attack you will automagically do maximum damage, and also inflict critical damage.

  6. Rasmus says:

    Lars var mest ett neger namn, jag hade inte tänkt mig det egentligen. Men Tänk dig typ Kremis nivå på ondska, kanske even ritualer och liknande. Ki striker låter som en härlig ide.

  7. Herid Fel says:

    Lars var mest ett neger namn, jag hade inte tänkt mig det egentligen. Men Tänk dig typ Kremis nivå på ondska, kanske even ritualer och liknande. Ki striker låter som en härlig ide.

    Bara ändra från Lars då.

    Kremisnivå på onska, alltså på dina ortodoxa saker? Well, det går, även om sådant oftast utesluter för hög advancement och även sätter dig under observation och större obligation att hålla dig “ren” från ondska och korruption.

  8. Herid Fel says:

    Can I please get an update on your characters, please? (All of you)

    Are you finished? What is happening? What can I expect (if anything)?

  9. Mikael says:

    I might play with my healer, will try to finish a rough background story. Solved the issues I had with getting it to fit by postponing most of my ideas by playing the character at a younger age than I first had intended. Maybe the things I had in mind can be reached in game as it perhaps more fitting.

  10. Patrik says:

    Now, I know you wanted complete stuff here, but since I dont know if this is good enough or if you want more details of things, such as background and such, I will just post the things have have written so far about her.

    Background History

    Being born into a family with a small wealth and growing up in a smaller town in Meno life was pretty easy and pleasant for Katherine in her earlier years but even then she knew what she wanted to be, she wanted to serve and help the less fortunate. Since she showed great promise in handling a weapon and keeping her calm in many situations she joined the menarian guards and quickly found it to her liking. After years in the menarian guard she rose to the rank of captain and she began to feel like she wanted to achieve and serve more than the people surrounding her hometown. And almost as a sign she began to hear rumors about an newly started organization called “The Eye” that apparently was all that she was seeking, a place were people gathered to serve and help the oppressed.

    Difficult as it was she chose to leave her duties as Menarian guard’s captain and saying goodbye to her relatives, she began the long journey towards Katia and The Eye with only her personal belongings and her faithful horse.


    Katherine is a menarian woman of slightly above average height. With her long wavy blond hair and ocean deep blue eyes, along with her fit and well proportioned body, she appears as a real beauty. She usually wears a smile on her lips and almost always has a calm and serenity around her. The way she walks shows her militaristic background but still retaining some of her feminine graces and she seems untroubled with walking in trousers. She manages well to keep a serious and attentive look while still not being seen as harsh or angry.

    Personality and traits

    Katherine always tries to look at things from the positive side and rarely shows any distress in front of her companions or friends. Sometimes she can be seen as a bit naïve to others because of her good willed nature but she rarely lets her kindness be abused, and frowns against those who tries it. She also dislikes people who are cowardly and abusive.

    Katherine has always believed in respecting all the twelve gods as much as possible and usually tries to spare some time for a small prayer everyday. She also believes in being just and fair especially against the poor and needy. Solving most situations peacefully and in a diplomatic way is something she always tries to do, but she also has experience that this is not always possible and taking to arms is not something she would hesitate to do if her or her friend’s lives are at stake. She also has a special fondness for animals, especially horses since its been something she has been exposed of since childhood.

  11. Daniel says:

    Technically I think my character is as finished as it will get, I’ve been holding up on sending you the file because I haven’t been sure if I wanted to change anything. I think I’m satisfied with the technical bit anyway so I’ll mail that to you now. As for the backstory and personality I feel that it’s still a bit lacking, but I have not been feeling very inspired lately and not come up with much.

    The idea I mentioned in The Eye post is basicly problems which Tatsuo might have had with the inevitable cultural clashes that will have occured. This is something I’ve been thinking quite a bit about in a less concrete sense, the Shikár are pretty fatalistic and more or less proud to a fault. How will The Eye perceive this person? Is he reasonable? Probably not I’d think

    As I see it these ‘differences’ could lead to some interesting situations with regards to the prime directives of The Eye, and could very well be a reason for Tatsuo to go through an extended “schooling” stage.

    I have a few details that I’m going to write into the character.

    One thing would be the gradual adaptation to new things and ways. I’m thinking it would be one nice detail to have something (perhaps trivial) which Tatsuo has picked up in the north and taken a liking to. Like a hobby or a habit that you wouldn’t think someone from Taraien would do. Suggestion are welcome on this, as I have a few ideas but none that I really like.

    Atually now I have an idea. Since reading was mentioned as being a merit for promotion in The Eye that is a good reason to learn to read. Perhaps this is as good as anything for a hobby. This also made me think of something to develope this concept into, it might be a bit hard for me to play out though but it would be pretty cool to turn Tatsuo into a budding philosopher. I’m was thinking about something like Sun Tzu. What do you think?

  12. Herid Fel says:

    Atually now I have an idea. Since reading was mentioned as being a merit for promotion in The Eye that is a good reason to learn to read. Perhaps this is as good as anything for a hobby. This also made me think of something to develope this concept into, it might be a bit hard for me to play out though but it would be pretty cool to turn Tatsuo into a budding philosopher. I’m was thinking about something like Sun Tzu. What do you think?

    Up to you, doesn’t really matter to me and it seems to work so go ahead.

    About his non reasonable nature it will most likely earn him reprimands and make advancing difficult. But its seldom The Eye will take any radical measures to correct behaviour such as that.

  13. Herid Fel says:

    To Daniel
    Just an initial question, is this the final draft of your character?

    I would like to see the final draft if and when there is one. But to me it seems like this isn’t the final draft and still has a lot of minor changes needed to be made.

    Or properties look better than before even though I won’t bother much with this an the current level of play.

    But about your knowledges… are you going to buy some or have you just ignored this column? Remember that those you won’t get free (Old is your case) you just remove the italic from and put a 0 in the field for CP and you can then use its place to buy lores if you want to. And remember that the cheapest is the ones you’ll get for free if they cost under 20 CP that is.

    Then my second question is about your techniques. I would prefer if you try to chose techniques you want now and finalize those decisions as much as possible. I will give feed back over the blog with prices or substitute prices as well as how they work and such. I would like you to use up your CP instead of leaving some for when I get home.

    Since I’m looking at the character creation I will as soon as you have finalized your character insert it in my documents and then make adjustments if any to the newest rules and costs. I will then give you a notice if you are on + or – and we’ll make changes. If all characters are finished we might be able to play as soon as on 11th of May.

    Anyway please use the CP you intend to use and chose your techniques. I would prefer that all that wants to be at the start of this new group were to finalize their characters as soon as possible.

  14. Herid Fel says:

    To PB
    In the current playstyle background and personality isn’t that important. It’s mostly up to you if you want to do things like that since I won’t put down much effort in things like that and only correct things I think is too wrong or unnecessary complicated.

    Same goes for your personality. You write, I’ll see it and you can get my feedback if absolutely necessary but unless it’s plain wrong I won’t give it too much thought in the current playstyle.

    I can’t see anything directly wrong or worth mentioning in your descriptions or anything so it seems okay. I have no suggestions.

    What is more important though is your character creation. Are you finished? Is the latest copy the finalized version of her? If so, you don’t want any techniques or you don’t need the last 400 CP? Both options are good. I just want finished characters.

  15. Patrik says:

    Well I saved the 400 CP for techniques actually, but I didnt see any price for the techniques you mentioned in the upcoming group 2.

    basically I would like to buy atleast one of the leadership techniques you mentioned. and then how much does disarm cost?
    and then maybe knock uncounscious. these are the techniques im interested in anyway.

  16. Herid Fel says:

    Well I saved the 400 CP for techniques actually, but I didnt see any price for the techniques you mentioned in the upcoming group 2.

    You have to clearly state which technique you want if you are sure you want them. Since they are experimental techniques so far. So choose. They will though cost at most 100 CP each.

    basically I would like to buy atleast one of the leadership techniques you mentioned. and then how much does disarm cost?
    and then maybe knock uncounscious. these are the techniques im interested in anyway.

    Disarm – 40 CP
    Knock Unconscious (Weapon) – 25 CP
    Knock Unconscious (Unarmed) – 50 CP

  17. Patrik says:

    Well I would be interested in Act! and Charge to begin with then.

    Well I guess thats it, its a good enough start.

  18. Herid Fel says:

    Both depends on Rethorics and Loyalty, just as a note.

    Act! – 50 CP
    Charge – 85 CP

  19. Daniel says:

    But about your knowledges… are you going to buy some or have you just ignored this column? Remember that those you won’t get free (Old is your case) you just remove the italic from and put a 0 in the field for CP and you can then use its place to buy lores if you want to. And remember that the cheapest is the ones you’ll get for free if they cost under 20 CP that is.

    Yes, I did sort of ignore these as I wasn’t sure about the rules and I had figured we would finalize these in person anyway, so it wouldn’t take long. I’ll look into the knowledge skills then.

    Techniques I know that I want are:
    That technique for countering after dodging.
    If there are any apropriate techniques for round kicks and jumping kicks I’m interested in those aswell.

    Other stuff that would be interesting are grappling techniques, if there are such a thing. Off the top my head there’s the throw I associate with aikido, grabbing the wrist of the “swordarm” and twisting it so they either tumble over their head and land on their back or really hurt their arm.

    Also maybe that unarm technique you mentioned to Anders.

    I might also buy the knock uncouncious technique you just mentioned.

  20. Patrik says:

    Alright, well I added the techniques I took:

    Knock Unconscious(Weapon)

    and I also added 1 more level in Secede, so all in all that left me with 50 CP left which will go to oblivion I suppose.

  21. Ankan says:

    What is the cost for Initiative Bonus?

  22. Herid Fel says:

    What is the cost for Initiative Bonus?

    25 CP

    and I also added 1 more level in Secede, so all in all that left me with 50 CP left which will go to oblivion I suppose.

    Yeah, if you don’t have room to modify in any way that is the way it goes. I don’t care.

    Yes, I did sort of ignore these as I wasn’t sure about the rules and I had figured we would finalize these in person anyway, so it wouldn’t take long. I’ll look into the knowledge skills then.

    Everything shall be done here and now, you have to learn and be able to think for yourself when you do characters without me controlling most of the process. I won’t give those exclusive talks as often anymore. It’s not worth it with this play-style.

    Techniques I know that I want are:
    That technique for countering after dodging.
    If there are any apropriate techniques for round kicks and jumping kicks I’m interested in those aswell.

    Fell and Feint cost the same. You can see the cost in a previous answer.

    You want the technique named Avert, costs 85 CP.

    Round Kick – 25 CP
    Jump Kick – 25 CP

  23. Daniel says:

    What about the unarmed disarm technique and the throw I mentioned?

    Everything shall be done here and now, you have to learn and be able to think for yourself when you do characters without me controlling most of the process. I won’t give those exclusive talks as often anymore. It’s not worth it with this play-style.

    I thought thinking for myself was exactly what I just did. Well whatever.

    What about the unarmed disarm technique and the throw I mentioned?

    Also how did initiative bonus work again?

  24. Herid Fel says:

    What about the unarmed disarm technique and the throw I mentioned?

    Unarm – 50 CP

    The throw though will not be put as a technique for now. It will be a possibility when using grappling.

  25. Herid Fel says:

    You pay your CP, and you get an added initiative. Cannot be done the first round of a battle or if you are startled or in any other way not prepared for the battle initiative.

  26. Herid Fel says:

    How is the status of everyone’s characters? (Input from everyone that will be in this group please)

  27. Patrik says:

    Well, I feel pretty done, ive done a description, the character sheet in excel is done, ill send the final revision to you. Other than that I dont know, is there anything more specific you want to hear about?

  28. Ankan says:

    Should work some on the background and stuff, the character sheet was ready before I got this idea for another new technique yesterday. The basic idea is to use charisma during an attack, not to boost chance to hit or damage or anything such, but to attract attention. To seem dangerous, to hint of the danger to come if you don’t concentrate on me. To irritate or temporarily put off balance. Maybe it could also be used by for example quick and agile littlemen or similar to temporarily draw focus away and open up for the teammate to make a blow. Just to disappear directly afterwards.

    This can also be used to divert attention from someone injured, or otherwise vulnerable to yourself.

    Don’t know if this should be a technique or simply something you could use charisma for. But it could prove quite useful I think.

  29. Herid Fel says:

    Well, I feel pretty done, ive done a description, the character sheet in excel is done, ill send the final revision to you. Other than that I dont know, is there anything more specific you want to hear about?

    Yes, when everyone is ready I wanted to give you all additional questions. But you all seem to have died out or just lost all interest… I thought you all would have more enthusiasm in this, but once again I seem to be wrong.

    Should work some on the background and stuff, the character sheet was ready before I got this idea for another new technique yesterday. The basic idea is to use charisma during an attack, not to boost chance to hit or damage or anything such, but to attract attention. To seem dangerous, to hint of the danger to come if you don’t concentrate on me. To irritate or temporarily put off balance. Maybe it could also be used by for example quick and agile littlemen or similar to temporarily draw focus away and open up for the teammate to make a blow. Just to disappear directly afterwards.

    That technique already exists and it’s obtained through skills such as Combat Arts, Kinesics and stuff.

  30. Mikael says:

    What is left for me is the character sheet, the rest I have roughly covered.

    Elizabeth is the lonely child of a menarian officer in the army and his wife who is a historian. Elizabeth spent her early childhood alone with her mother, growing up in the capital where her mother worked, while her father was fighting in the war.

    Her father died from a war wound near the end of the war, before she got to meet him and it was said he could be saved had he gotten to a doctor in time, something which began to nag on her when she became older, and eventually when it was realized she was a natural born ki striker she decided to become a healer in the academy. She decided to join the eye after her training was completed seeing an opportunity to make something of herself and heal people.

    Elizabeth is a tall blonde woman, with shoulder-length hair of straight cut and clear blue eyes. Although being menarian her appearance can be described more as elegant rather than beautiful, and her posture and mannerism can be taken for a noblewoman though she lacks the necessary flourish and arrogance.

    She is well mannered and polite, although her length can sometimes make it seem as if she is looking down her nose at people and her voice can sometimes sound lecturing. Also she can be a little prudish. She is well educated and tries to be open minded, though she can be a bit prejudiced towards more primitive cultures and their seemingly irrational approach to doing things.

    Despite Elizabeth’s character flaws she is a pleasant enough woman, with a compassion for the sick and injured and though she accepts hurting and killing as a necessary evil, violence and death always cause her pain.

  31. Daniel says:

    Yes, when everyone is ready I wanted to give you all additional questions. But you all seem to have died out or just lost all interest… I thought you all would have more enthusiasm in this, but once again I seem to be wrong.

    I’ve had a block on writing for a while now, I think I have most of the important stuff covered anyway. The character sheet is done, the basic background is done… The only thing I’m not entirely happy with is how little personality is in my character description. I have an idea in my head of how he would be like, and maybe that will do. Seeing as you said that you won’t care that much to correct anything anyway.

    I might write something more if inspiration strikes, regardless I feel ready for your questions.

  32. Herid Fel says:

    I might write something more if inspiration strikes, regardless I feel ready for your questions.

    So everything concerning your character is finished now? All the skills and techniques as well as the important parts of the concept which I need to oversee? Things like how things came to be and weapons and everything?

    I need to know that you won’t add something of substantial and that most things are done for stuff like that.

  33. Daniel says:

    I don’t think I will be modifying anything on the character sheet past this point, I’m pretty happy with it and I have no radical ideas for changes. The only thing would be the reading business, but I decided to put that up as a future goal instead.

  34. Ankan says:

    I need to know that you won’t add something of substantial and that most things are done for stuff like that.

    I don’t think I will change anything. The character sheet is finished and you know the outline of the rest.

  35. Herid Fel says:

    What is left for me is the character sheet, the rest I have roughly covered.

    I would like to know more about your character. This is really a last minute call for you.

    Since Rasmus hasn’t had time to finish his character he’ll jump in later.

    I don’t think I will change anything. The character sheet is finished and you know the outline of the rest.

    Okay, still I think I want an overview of your characters concept in summary form. A finalization of sorts, do you mind to write one here?

    I’m still recovering from the Jetlag and being back home so things will not get going quite yet, but I hope that if we have a good and fast communication here things well proceed to a playable point for Tuesday evening.

  36. Mikael says:

    Yeah, maybe I can jump in later as well if it’s not in time. What is it you want to know more about? Are we talking about background and personality or how she fights or just in general i.e. everything?

    About techniques I don’t think my character will start with any and she won’t have skilled. She will use knives as weapons, she won’t have any mysticum or anything (my original idea about that would not fit my timeline for her, she is 26 something). She leans more towards mental attributes and knowledge skills than being a good fighter or good in the wilderness or such practical stuff.

    About her personality she is willful and determined about her ambitions and goals, and especially about saving people. Her mother ensured she was well educated, believing in such things as well as learning good manners. She joined the eye because she wanted to take an active part to help people which is kind of her drive. She has been taught to take a rational approach to things and believes in customs and laws but also right and wrong. She follows gudism.

    Am I on the right track?

  37. Herid Fel says:

    As for your background, I’m only interested in the structure of your concept so it’s possible in my world. I.e. not something which would be impossible or make things too complicated. But as far as I know I know enough of that.

    The things I need is conceptual things. Things that matter to the gameplay and the like. You are on the right track, so in general you are normal without anything out of the ordinary. So you only need to finish your character creation and then finalize things I guess.

  38. Mikael says:

    You just sound sooo tired. Yeah, ordinary except the natural born thing I suppose, well hopefully my character doesn’t have too weird stats or anything.

  39. Ankan says:

    I got the inspiration to write something up about background, some description and such. Here it is:

    Rokash is a quite sturdy man from one of the Norki tribes in Deben. He has an olive complexion, long black hair and dark brown eyes. Rokash holds to a few beliefs that may seem strange to some people, but he have strong protective instincts and is very loyal in spirit. Though he may not be the best with bureaucracy and formal orders.

    While growing up as a middle child in a big family he apprenticed to the medicine man who taught him about the intricacies of animals, medicine and body paint. After hearing stories about the rest of the world, hearing of how different it supposedly was from life with the tribe, he wanted to see it with his own eyes. Feel what this individuality was about, how people could live without ever having a tribe and understand the animosity inherent in the society he had heard about. So Rokash yielded to his inherent curiosity and left the tribe for the world, to adventure.

    He traveled around a bit in Deben and ended up in Katia where he heard about the organization called The Eye. During his travels he had seen the injustice and how it wasn’t as simple as with the tribe. He wanted to make a difference so he joined the organization and he was also missing the fellowship he had before leaving home.

  40. Herid Fel says:

    Good story and pretty consistent with “reality” too. It seems to be logical and a good build against your character. Not too complicated either.

    Well, well… That makes three characters ready I guess. I shall just write some posts and then I will see if we can get anywhere with the last step I want to do before we start for real.