Travel Journal – Friday 9/4 – 2010

So it begins…

The journey we have waited for in over three months! I’ve wanted to return to Japan ever since I left it two years ago and now we’re here. In this writing moment it’s actually Sunday while it’s Saturday back in Sweden. The time is half past twelve in the night and we have just taken a second trip out to check for internet. But I will tell you more of the details later since it actually belongs to the Journal for 10/4 and not 9/4.

There isn’t much to say about Friday really. We mostly just sat on airplanes or waited for airplanes and watched movies in wait for our flights. Well, this is just a warm up and we still haven’t really settled down. Sure we have gotten our place to live and such but we need to really get into the travel spirit before we can actually say that something is happening. Not to mention we need to slow down a little to be able to have time to think through what has happaned. The past few days have kind of melted together in my mind since we have just waited in general.

Well, I’ll get back to you all. And you can always check Drak’s blog if you want more. Not that there is anything there right now but we’ll update that blog too now that we know we have a free internet spot.

Good night.

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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