Ramble LIII
Well, it seems that I filled the days with crap instead of a post of the cats. But this post should represent what I had to say I think. So in a way I’m over compensating with three posts today and a few notices on the other days.
Project 3 is nearing its end now. I have the end written in short summary form but I need to elaborate and put it into a short story. Project 3 is now 15 pages long, counting all the posted materials on the blog. I estimate that the end will have about 2 to 3 pages per part so say 6-9 pages in additionally.
I think that if I actually mange to finish Project 3, its possible that this will be the material of my very first book. I think that when I’m finished I will first edit it. Put in some changes and try to write bad parts even better. Say that Project 3 is 22 pages then, after the edit it might grow with say 2 pages. I then start to elaborate some parts and add some other parts in mi first rewrite. Say that this adds about 3 pages more. Say that I then do yet another edit and add about 2 pages more. Now Project 3 is about 29 pages.
Say that I do this a couple of rounds until I got a more flowing story, it might end up in, lets say somewhere between 30-50 pages. When then changing the book from simple A4 format to book format with all the formatting and reduced size and all 40 pages would be about 3 pages more. So it would be about 120 pages. It will be a small book but it would still be a book. It’s possible.
Well, about the cats… they were very cuddly and intimate when I got home and craved lots and lots of attention. They were around me wanting to sit on my lap and fighting over it and so on in the beginning. Junior was the worst since he actually got angry and scared Lillen to keep away from me so he could completely dominate my lap. Lillen ran around screaming around my legs but settled finally sleeping in the catbed, pouting.
But one soon noticed how my sister had given the cats quite a big leeway to do as they wanted. I had heard from my sister how Lillen really tried her limits by jumping up on tables and being in places she wasn’t supposed to and doing things she wasn’t allowed to do. She, my sister, managed to stop some of that behavior but it seems that she oversaw quite a lot from both cats. Today Junior jumped up on thy living room table as if he was entitled to do so even though he have known since his second week in this house that, that is not allowed and has never been other than his first week before I started to discipline him.
There are a lot of smaller things they think they can do and a lot of things they have started doing when nobody is watching. Before Umeå I had managed to get them both to understand that the glass table and that the kitchen table and its chairs was off-limits. Now they can jump up on either of these things as soon as I leave the room. My sister told me about this but how she didn’t, due to her joints, run back in to reprimand them. So they instead learned that they could do it when they were alone. Which they now have started to bitterly relearn that its not accepted. I hear when they jump up or down on anything even if I’m on the toilet or in the shower.
To correct as much as possible as fast as possible I’ve had a zero tolerance policy this week. I give them really harsh reprimands and yell at them as soon as I discover and can catch them. It works and they are starting to remember what is allowed and not. There’s only a few things they’ve forgotten during the past ten days and I’m starting to wonder how much they will forget over 29 days with even less human company. They will probably start doing a lot of things they aren’t allowed to do. If not completely forget all rules. It will be harsh for them when I come back I think when they probably have started to think that I’m gone and that they are allowed to do whatever they want. Well, well…
About RPG I think that we can play Thursday and Saturday this week. I’m not sure about Saturday yet though. But most likely it should be possible to have at least a day session if anything. Next week we should be able to play one more session but I can’t guarantee anything. Nils Zolland might come up here to visit me for a few days and if that happens I won’t have time for a session I’m afraid since I need to prepare for Japan. If not, then it might be possible to have a session on Tuesday. But even so the session on Thursday might as well be the last before I go.
But know that I will probably put up some form of RPG-posts in the mean time which you shall be active in. If you don’t participate you will probably suffer from it since the possibilities I will give in these posts as I do in the last, will not be possible to get on the next session. Say that it’s a month between sessions in game, and I’ve put up a Downtime post, if you haven’t participated in this or done anything in this post, nothing will have happened to your character either in game other than you’ve recovered. But all the possibilities to train, to do anything will be gone. Today is the last day to add or discuss anything in the Downtime for tomorrow, I just want to add. Then I will lock it for further comments and nothing more can be done.
Well, well… now some food maybe?
Best Regards,
Herid Fel
I will be busy this Saturday, so no RPG for me atleast.
Okies, I will take that into consideration when deciding upon a session or not.
Is anyone else busy this Saturday?
I have news!
There will be no Session on Saturday OR Sunday.
The Eye session will be moved to Friday instead.
I am not busy.
Just saying that I will most likely be late for todays session(1 hour or so). And what time will the eye session begin on friday?
Actually scrap that first sentence.
I have decided to take a break from the SERB group, since I dont feel I have the motivation left to continue my character in this group, which is something that is annoying to admit since I love rpg and I like to play nianze alot and wouldnt want to miss a thing really but I just cant keep this up.
I dont know how things will turn out after Japan but thats pretty far from now so I guess we will see if my motivation has returned amongst other things.
With this I am not saying I will stop being active totally, I will still keep posting on the blog and such,and I still want to join the Eye group though, if im allowed.
Hehe, I want everyone to witness this and remember this for eternity.
PB forfeited.
PB forfeited.
PB forfeited.
PB forfeited.
PB forfeited.
PB forfeited.
PB forfeited.
PB pulled a Foppa.
Join? You are already a part of it, and of course you can continue in that group even though you forfeited this group.
About the Friday session it will be an evening session starting 18:00 since I have things to do during the day. Otherwise it would have been a day-session. People have more energy during day sessions often.
Just a group question I want to ask now instead of seeing the domino effect later; Anyone other than PB who wants to forfeit?
I’ve been considering it for a while, but no forfeit right now anyway.
Join the dark side Ankan.
No, but seriously when are you coming back to rpg? we need you!
Indeed we do, we barely have any players at all as it is.
In May I think, should be plenty of time to create a character until then.